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Izuku stood infront of the whole of class 1A after the end of the class.

Izuku: Mr. Aizawa will give you the recordings of the training. I need you to write an essay about all the flaws they had during the battle.
Tenya: Is there a word limit?
Izuku: No, as long as you explain it in a precise way, I dont care. I will check it next class. You are dismissed.

The students then began to sleep between themselves.

Kirishima: Damn we didnt even stand a chance against him.
Shoto: That wasnt even a battle.
Tenya: We wete doomed from the start.
Mina: Midori is really strong isnt he?
Momo: Not strong, all he did was outsmart everyone. He knew he couldnt win in a direct confrontation, so he took another approach.
Denki: It is like they were playing checkers and he was playing a game of 4D chess.
Shota: Izuku.... He never seizes to amaze me....
Izumi: Indeed, my brother is awesome...

Izumi then turned around and sae Bakugo who had a frustrated look on his face.

Izumi: Whats wrong Katsuki? Still frustrated you didnt win?
Shota: You just need more training and practice I'm sure.
Bakugo: You dont understand.... I've been training non stop since that day... I want to surpass everyone.... But I still cant surpass him.... How I am supposed to be the greatest hero like this?!
Izuku: Its simple.

They all turned to Izuku.

Izuku: The most powerful empires in history always end up drunk in their own power that is why they always end getting destroyed by mere barbarians. Power is useless if you cant use it properly, no matter how much of it you have.
Bakugo: But I have trained my power since forever. Are you trying to say I have been doing it wrong all this time?!
Izuku: Short answer yes, long answer its mote complicated then that.
Bakugo: Then tell me!
Izuku: Ever since quirks appeared it seems the strategy that most heroes and villains use is that of overwhelming with power, the one with the most power will always end up winning always.
Bakugo: Isnt that how it should be?
Izuku: Not at all, but that is how it has been normalized nowdays, I'm sure if you were to go against almost anyone out there you would win thanks to the overwhelming power of your quirk, and not only it already has an overwhelming nature, your tactics are used to make that power even more overwhelming.
Bakugo: Then why cant I beat you?!
Izuku: Because I am not playing with those rules.
Bakugo: Explain.
Izuku: I'm not implying I am special in anyway, what I am about ti explain is one of the principles of martial artists. Martial artists always try to end the fight as fast as possible and with the less hits possible, but we dont use overwhelming force to achieve this. We are taught techniques that will allow us to end the fight as soon as possible: Counterattacks, deception tactics, how to punch, timing. All of this and much more just so we can have create our path towards that one punch that will end it all. You use a predictable way of just charging into your enemy to overwhelm it, our tactics are used to deal with people like you, who would overpower us otherwise. In your normal fights you often go on a straight line and so does your opponent, you clash and whoevee had the must power defeats the other, but when you are fighting me or other any martial artist for example, you would charge at us in a straight line while we just stay there and then move at the last moment to prevent direct confrontation and then strike decisively from behind.
Bakugo: Thats being a coward.
Izuku: Its called being clever, you really think our ancestors were able to hunto down those beasts by charging directly at them? Humanity didnt reach this height by the virtue of their might, but rather of their mind. For most of our history we were some of the weaker species of our planet, and we developed to this, but when we developed a power greater then our mind, development stopped, coincidence? I think not. I know you are intelligent Bakugo, you understand the analogy I tried to make there.
Bakugo: The beast and the humans...
Izuku: Right. I guess in a sense fault of hero schools for teaching them first about their quirks and then leaving then to their own devices.
Aizawa: What are you trying to say Midoriya.
Izuku: Hero schools teach their students to control their quirks and then they tell them to create their ow fighting style, because supposedly now that they know more about their quirks they should be able to do it, but developing an efficient fighting style requires more then just knowledge about your quirk, it requires knowledge about yourself, yet they often dont.
Aizawa: It wouldnt be teaching if we give then the answers and they are the only ones qualified to answer questions about themselves.
Izuku: Also wouldnt be teaching if you dont guide them in the correct way, and if people truly know everything about themselves then why do psychological tests exist? Students should be taught the basis of fighting without quirks, then they should be taught about their quirks and then the students should be taught to merge their knowledge of quirks with their knowledge of combat, at that point they will have enough knowledge to develop an efficient fighting style.
Aizawa: Maybe but then why do most of our students end up in the top, look at All Might.
Izuku: 1. Your school moto is "Plus Ultra" which encourages them to punch the hardest in a world where who punches the hardest wins and 2. True All Might is the number one hero and he could defeat everh villain, but imagine how much more effective he would be if instead of punching his way through everything, he would use tactics and skill such as yours.

Mind and Might (A Quirkless Hero!Deku Fanfic)[HIATUS]Where stories live. Discover now