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Sayuri pulled her hair tie out and slid it up her leg, placing it around the hanky covering the wound to keep it in its place.

She pushed his shirt up and shrieked looking at the horrifying scars all over his body. She quickly looked at the wound and reached for the book in the inner pocket of her coat and removed the laptop to revel the medkit Nobugi had kept. She pulled out the small torch and turned it on to examine the wound.

"Oomi san! I need your sanitiser"

"Thank Kami it's not deep" she heaved in relief "No organ damage" she mumbled gripping the flashlight between her teeth and pulled the forceps from the pouch to take his bullet out "Oomi san, can you drive a little steady?"

"How is he??"

"He's lost a lot of blood" she said adjusting the torch back before pulling the bullet out.

"No sutures?!?!?!" She disappointedly looked through the kit "Ah, Nobugi san..."

"Is everything alright?" Kiyoomi was getting worried about her mad antics.

She opened her laptop to connect with her butler again "Toshiro san's bleeding and I don't have sutures!"

"TOSHIRO!?" Nobugi felt a jolt of electricity hit him "Ah... Umm... no sutures? It's okay. You know how else to close a wound" he hinted and her eyes widened.

"Oomi san, do you have a knife?!?"

"No. But I'm sure he does" Kiyoomi said.

She placed the laptop aside as Nobugi watched her with his heart in his mouth while her hands searched through Toshiro's pockets to find a flip knife "Ah, this'll do." She said. She leaned to the front seat startling Kiyoomi before opening the glove box. She was more than relieved to find a lighter there.

"Wait- What's that for??" He stirred looking at the blood on her hands.

"I need to close his wound or he'll bleed to death" she clicked the lighter to redden the knife.

"That'll suffice" Nobugi said and she pressed it flat against his wound.

Toshiro's eyes shot wide as he jumped from his resting position and tried to get away.

"Toshiro san!!" The wound opened again. She pushed him back down and pressed her hand against his forehead "I need to close that wound, please don't move for a while."

She saw the tears form in his eyes from the burning pain and her face scrunched. She eyed his belt and unbuckled it before pulling it out and he looked at her like he was in a surreal dream. She folded it "Bite onto this" she said.

"Wh-" she slid it between his teeth and gave him a warning glare before heating the knife again.


"Aren't you hurting?" Toshiro worriedly looked at her face while he rested on her lap. Her hand pressing his forehead to keep him in place.

"Of course I am" a tear rolled down her cheek. It was a bloody nightmare closing her own wound. To say it stung like a motherf- was an understatement. "I wanted something more normal to worry about! Like nationals or something!"

He smiled looking at her cutely throw a fit. They were going to let her boss around a little because of how steadily she held through it all.

"I preferred if my biggest fear was getting into trouble because I spray painted your locker!" She pointed at Kiyoomi and he hit the brakes in shock making the two in the backseat almost tumble.

"Yoomi, WHAT THE F-"

"What did you just say?" He turned around to look at her with saucer eyes.

A Premeditated Deal - Sakusa Kiyoomi X OCWhere stories live. Discover now