⚪Chapter 20⚪

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"Shi-hyung? I think Jun-hyung went in to the dark room." Terry said

I slid down to the wall and rest my head on it. It's starting to hurt, I just remembered that I'm not totally healed yet. My head is still hurting like what happened when I first encounter Minhyun, the doctor that's friend with Wonho.

I massage my temples to ease the pain and keep my breath stable so my body is still in relax.

I can still hear Shi's voice in the background calling for Jun still hoping that it's not him whom we heard earlier. It is possible that the scream we heard earlier is Jun, but why would he go there alone? And what was the scream for? Is he in danger?

My head hurts even more to the point that I start to hit my head on the wall to make the pain go away. But of course, it's not gonna work. I fell on the floor holding my head and try to ease the pain by pulling some of my hair repeatedly.

I just lay on the floor, crying because of the brutal headache. My vision starts to get blurry, and hearing Shi's voice starts to get warped and slowly fading away, I can sense that I will faint any minute now.


I woke up being carried by someone in a bridal style. I open my eyes to see who's carrying me but I was blinded by a bright lights on the hallways, making mr blink several times to adjust my eyes to the lighting of the hallways. Where am I?

I slowly open my eyes slightly figuring out who's carrying me.

"Wake up, Jimin." He whispered. It's Shi, he's carrying me. Maybe we're going to the shower area like what Chaeun mentioned last night. So that means, it's already morning and when I fainted last night I am unconscious until I got awoken by now.

"Showers?" I asked with a raspy voice. I need to drink water.

I just sense Shi to nod his head as his answer. I fight myself from being half conscious and tell Shi to get me down but he didn't do so and keeps on telling me to don't force myself.

I found myself in the same showers the day I arrived in here. I open my eyes and take a look around, and I just saw Terry, Chaeun, and Shi being fully naked while taking a shower in the lane of shower heads attached to the wall. I'm sitting on the floor not far away from them and leaning on the wall as a support so I won't fall down. My whole body is weak right now, my knees are weak and my head is like being squeeze lightly by someone.

The three of them continue to take a shower fully naked and I just found myself looking at them while blushing. Geez. They look so fine with their fit bodies and fair skin. Shi is the most fit of them, with the packs of abs and his big triceps but not as big as Wonho's. Chaeun on the other hand is fit as well, no big biceps nor triceps, but he have a line of abs, I bet he just starts working out in his room. And there's Taehyun with his cute figure and baby fats but still good looking.

SHUT UP, JIMIN. Now is not the right time to look at the three handsome guys infront of you to take a shower being naked.

But now I know why Jungkook keep them and sadly abuse them.

What the fvck is wrong with me? Why did I just indirectly said that they deserve it? Geez, Jimin. These guys in front of you are just like you. Darn, and now I'm talking to myself.

I don't see Jun around. That means something really happened to him on the dark room last night. I almost shed a tear at the though of Jun being gone, he had it rough and died in the cellar without going outside for almost months.

But then, the door flung open and revealing two guards carrying the Jun. The guards shove Jun's weak body on the wet floor, good thing that Shi who's using the shower nearest to the door manage to catch Jun before his face hit the floor.

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