Chapter 40: Did I overthink for no reason?

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I was standing in the kitchen still heating up my left overs when Austin came in and I guess saw my face because he asked me what was wrong. "I've just been so caught up in this week I completely forgot that you still have to meet my family" "Yeah what't the problem then." Don't get me wrong I love my family but they can be over the top sometimes. My parents are great and all and so is my grandma but it's my uncle's and a few of my cousins that are gonna be a problem because they are very opinionated and I know they are gonna make comments about Austin's tattoos. "it's just my family can be very opinionated and I'm worried they are gonna say something about the way you look and I don't want them to scare you off or make you mad." "Rose do you think I would have gotten all these tattoos if I cared what people had to say about the way I look? So what if they have something bad to say, at the end of the day I know that as long as I'm with you and we are both happy, what they say to me won't scare me away." " I just don't want you getting into an argument with them because if we are serious about being together, they could eventually become your family too." "Rose I promise you I'm not gonna argue with them. Now what do you wanna do with your last day here tomorrow?" "Honestly I wanna go see canyons and maybe the zoo?" "Your wish is my command" My food was finished heating up and he got his and heated his up and we sat on the couch finishing the office and eating our food. It was about 1AM and I was getting tired "Austin I think I'm gonna go to bed" "Okay I'll be up soon" he told me as I got up from the couch and kissing him goodnight. As I walked up the stairs I just thought about how lucky I am to have the life I had right now. I got to the bathroom and got ready for bed and heard a phone go off but it wasn't mine it was Austin's. I know it's not my business but I was curious to see who it was and I saw the name Brooke. He's never mentioned a Brooke to me before so I assumed it was a friend of his but deep down I also worried it was one of his ex's. I crawled into the bed trying not to overthinking who texted Austin or what the message said but I couldn't help but not do it. Soon Austin came into the room and I tried to act like nothing was wrong with me. Austin got in the bed and he quickly was asleep I noticed he didn't even look at his phone which gave me some relief but I knew eventually he was going to look at it and see that message and all I could think was he was going to leave me and go back to her. It wasn't long until I found myself falling asleep. I woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked and I looked over and saw that Austin wasn't in bed so I knew it was him cooking. I was hesitant to get out of bed because I didn't know if I could face him knowing about the message on his phone so I laid in the bed a few minutes before I heard the door open and saw Austin standing there with a tray in his hands full of food for the both of us. "Good morning beautiful I made us breakfast in bed before we start our day" "Austin oh my god I love it" I said sitting up in the bed as he walked over handing me my food and crawling back in the bed with me, "So I made the plans for the day and after the canyon's and the zoo we are coming back here and showering and then I'm taking you to dinner. Sound like a plan?" "Yes" was all I said because I was trying not to think about that message but I couldn't help it the guilt of knowing about it was bothering me. I guess Austin could see something was bothering me because it didn't take him long to say something to me. "Rose look at me. I can see on your face that something is bothering you, please tell me what it is." "What do you mean I'm fine." "Rose I don't know you well enough but I've had experience in the past to know when a girl says she's fine but is being quiet that she's in fact not fine and something is wrong, now please tell me." "It's just I know it's not my business but last night when I was getting ready for bed I heard your phone go off and I looked over at it and I saw you got a text from a person named Brooke." He took a deep sigh and I knew I shouldn't had said anything. "Rose first I want to tell you there is nothing to worry about and second I didn't reply to her. She's my ex. She wanted me to get back with her but like I said I did not reply to her. You have nothing to worry about I swear I love you and only you." I didn't know how or why but I believed every word he said. "Now please can we forget about her and enjoy our time together because there is nothing I want more than to spend all my time with you." "There's nothing more I want than to spend all my time with you" I said kissing him and hugging him. I knew I had nothing to worry about. God I love this man so much.   

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