Chapter 47: Xuan Void

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Team 1, which consisted of Keralis, Bdubs, Xisuma, Netty, Martyn, Joe, Solidarity, EX, Python and Doc, were still walking through the wet tall roofed forest, much to the entire group's displeasure.

"Why couldn't Varity just teleport us straight to the temple?" Grumbled EX, cursing has his boots yet again sunk into a patch of wetland. "I mean - this is compleyky stupid! We're wasting so much time just alking throug a dumb forest when we could be at the templet and on our way back by this point!"

"The truth seldom makes sense." Said Solidarity, not looking all that happy with his own words. He frowned as his foot got stuck in a rotten log, but since the log was, well, rotten it wasn't very hard for him to free his foot. "Nor is it very pretty, neither is the way to it for that matter."

"I thought we were going to Death's temple?" Asked a confused Bdubs, looking back at the blond man. "Isn't that what we're doing?"

"It is." Answered EX, batting yet another branch away from his path. "But we're talking about Varity, not Death, at the moment."

The dark haired builder made an "ohhh" face before nodding. After that they traveled in relative silence, though there was light chatter amongst the group. It didn't take them long to find the temple after that, defeneylt didn't take them long at all. Not in this universe, most definitely not. Joe definitely isn't grounded or anything, and especially not for the next two weeks after this was all over or anything. were supposed to be the adult here. Not the reckless wild puppy petting one.

Anyways! They found the temple, huuray!

It was a relatively small temple, but it wasn't any less magnificent. It was dark coal black in color, and you could see engravings into its outer walls. And once they got closer you could see even more engravings, and some symbols looked familiar - well, to the people who knew Galactica that is.

""Long may you reign?"" Read Doc, reading one of the engravings that had obviously been carved there after the temple's creation. "Why would someone write that on Death's temple?"

"I'm more concerned about this." Said Netty, drawing the attention to where she was standing. On the wall in front of her 𝙹ᓵᔑ||!¡ ̣ 𝙹|| was written in bold letters. ""Apocalyptic harmony"" She translated for those who couldn't read it.

"The hell? What does that mean?" Asked EX.

"The horsemen?" Suggested Xisuma with a shrug. "That's the only thing I can think of."

Python looked at the symbols with caution, scaled red hands wringing together nervously. "Well I hope that is what it is. We at least know it's safe if that's the case." His statement got nods of agreement from the rest of the group.

They stood there for a few more minutes before Martyne suggested they probably should be going in by now, which the others agree with. So the 10 of them all walk inside, wondering how it was going for the other two groups.

~:~ WITH TEAM 2 ~:~

"Hey Tango?"

"Yeah Zed?"

"I think I found the entrance."

"You did? That's amazing! So where is it?"

"Oh you know no place big. Just at the, you know, top of the temple."

"At of the temple."


"The same temple that has a flying barrier around the top three layers out of thirty?"

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