Snowed In

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*Y/n's POV *

"Been a while since I've last seen you, Benny," sais Y/n.

"It has been a while," said the Box Ghost, whom Y/n has called Benny since she was a kid.

*Flash back to when Y/n was ten years old*

Y/n was playing in the attic. She was busy building a fort out of boxes. Her dad gave her permission to play in the attic. Y/n was still within earshot of her dad since he was in the living room, which was above the living room. Right as shs picks up another box to add to one of the stacks...

"BEWARE! FOR I AM THE BOX GHOST!" The box ghost yells as he pops out of the box.

Y/n screams and falls to the floor.

"I got you good didn't I?" The Box Ghost laughs. He stops laughing once he sees Y/n was to the point of tears. "Don't cry. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"Y/n are you alright? I'm coming up to the attic," said Will before he makes his  way to the attic.

"It was just a spider, dad. I got it," Y/n calls down to her dad.

"Why didn't you tell your dad about me?"

"You think if I tell my dad a ghost scared me, you think he would believe me? He'd think I am talking to an imaginary friend."

"So why are you stacking all these boxes?" The Box Ghost asks.

"Im building a fort to play in. Wanna help?"

"I see no harm." The Box Ghost uses his powers to stack the boxes together.

"That's cool. How do you do that?"

The Box Ghost didn't know how to answer Y/n's question. He hesitates for a few more minutes. "Its a long story. Where I died, I woke up with these powers."

"Oh...I'm sorry for your lose."

"It's okay."

"Hey wanna be friends?" Y/n asks as shs pushed the last box into place.

"Sure. I'd like that."

"So do you have a name?"

"I...uh...I'm the Box Ghost?"

"I'll call you Benny. That way you have a name."

*time skip in the flash back to seventeen years*

Y/n looks over the upstairs railing, the Box Ghost floating besides her. In the kitchen they hear yelling from both Y/n's dad, Will, and mom, Beth.

"So what are they arguing about now?" The Box Ghost asks.

"Dad has been sick for quiet a while and he's been asking mom for her help to get him to his doctor's appointments. From the sounds of it, she doesn't want to help him. Whatever happens to the part of the marriage vows, till death do you part."

"I've seen seen a lot of things happen over the years. I've heard people argue like how your parents are but from the sounds of it, it's not good. I'm going to get a closer look." The Box Ghost disappeared for a few minutes and returns with a sad look in his eyes. "Your mom wants to divorce your father. He's been sick with cancer."

A blank look appears on Y/n's face. "I'm getting back at mom. Go hide in tbe microwave and right when she opens it to heat up her coffee, scare her."

"That's mean, Y/n."

"She made dad cry and she's divorcing him because she doesn't want to help him though this."

"Alright then." The Box Ghost disappeared again and a few minutes later Y/n's mom runs screaming from the house.

Y/n busts a gut laughing before going to see her dad.

"Did you do that, Y/n?" Will asks.

"Yeah. Mom had it coming. If she leaves you because you are sick then she is not the right one for you."

"I think you are right. Who's he?" Will asks, pointing to the Box Ghost.

"That's Benny. Whom you thought was my imaginary friend but he's actually a ghost who has been haunting our attic."

Will stares at the Box Ghost for a few minutes. It was a little hard to processes that this 'Benny' was the imaginary friend his daughter told him about. "Thank you, Benny. For scaring my now ex-wife out of the house. Sad to say she has chosen to show her true colors."

"Y/n asked me to scare her. Even though I thought it was mean," said the Box Ghost.

*end flash back*

"So whh are you still haunting my old house, Benny?"

"This place has felt more like home to me than my own place back in the Ghost Zone. Besides I like it here."

"Well I am glad you didn't leave. From the looks of things, the boxes that my stuff is still in haven't aged a day." She opens one of tbe boxes and looks inside it. "Now I just need to find which box I had packed some of my clothes. I need a pair of pajamas for the night."

"Check the closet. Should be the box towards the back on the left."

*Vlad's POV*

Vlad returns to Y/n's house at one in the morning. The snow storm was blowing full force outside. He turns back to normal and pulls out a gold necklace with a green gem stone out of his pocket. "This just might work. I'll give it to her as a Christmas present. Now we just need to wait out this storm." He walks over to the bedroom door and unlocks the door. He made sure to lock it before he left, as a precaution in case Y/n's father wanted to talk to him. Sitting on the floor was a pair of pajamas, neatly folded. He picks them up and checks their size. "A size too big to wear but they will do." Vlad heads back into the bedroom and shuts the door. "But the question is how will the necklace affect Y/n. It reacts to negative emotions. But what emotion from Y/n will make the necklace react." Vlad turns in for the night, waiting for morning to leave Will's home.

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