Chapter 21 • Hero

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I can't believe after all of the planning and anticipation that our honeymoon is over. Harry and I spent the rest of the week relaxing by the pool and in our suite, and of course, doing more research on what to expect in the coming months.

It's rather strange to think of myself as a wife and soon-to-be mum because I honestly never dreamed this would happen, but I guess the universe had other, better plans for me.

Turns out I'm already an Ace mum because I'm giving the baby what it's hungry for and if this sour grape craving keeps on for the next eight or nine months, there will definitely be a shortage of grapes in the grocery shoppes.

"What time will our driver be here?"

I pop the second half of the grape in my mouth and glance over at the huge clock on the wall, "Any minute now. It's almost nine. Want a grape?"

"No thank you, love," he blows out a breath, shifting in the chair across from me in the hotel's lobby.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Nothing."

"Hm, that's funny," I muse, securing the lid on the container holding my grapes.

"What's funny?" he asks with his interest now piqued.

"I didn't know we put in our vows that it's okay to lie to each other. Must've missed that one," I sarcastically say and he exhales a heavy breath, clearly unimpressed with my sarcasm. I set the container on my suitcase before walking across the aisle to sit in the empty seat next to Harry. I place my hand on his and he turns his hand to hold mine with our fingers interlocked. "Tell me what's bothering you. Please?"

"Alright, fine. I'm sad our honeymoon is over."

I squint my eyes at his flippant tone in speculation, "And?"

He huffs out a breath, "Oh alright, and I'm nervous about your appointment later today."

"There we go," I say as if I've solved a mystery case. "Okay, tell me why you're nervous about the appointment."


"Harry, I might be an incredibly talented architect and the most gorgeous wife in the world, but I'm not a mind reader. Please tell me why you're nervous."

He inhales a deep breath and lets it out, mindlessly caressing my hand with his thumb, "What if the people there judge you because I'm blind?"

"What? I mean, how? That just doesn't even make any sense."

"It makes sense to me."

"Okay then, explain it to me so it can make sense to me."

He wiggles his hand from mine and rakes his hair with it, "I guess I'm worried about what people will say about you being pregnant and married to a blind guy. They will think I can't take care of you and the baby."

His words break my heart. I can't imagine how he must feel being the one in our relationship who has to depend on the other for practically everything. It's never been a big deal to me, but I know it has to him. I guess it has hurt his male psyche.

"Harry, love, I need your full attention now, please." He huffs out a breath and turns in his seat to face me. "We're starting a family together. The opinions of utter strangers don't mean anything to me. I know it's inevitable that we're going to need help in a few months and after the baby is born, but let's not focus on things that are out of our control. Let's focus on going to the appointment today and finding out how far along we are. Okay?"

His worried expression fades and there's a tiny hint of a smile, "I love you, JJ."

"I love you, too, Harry," I cup his cheek and lean in close to peck his lips.

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