Chapter 37 • The Whole Shebang

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If I weren't hunched over a toilet to empty my stomach, I would be in full swooning wife mode from Harry's sweet text just a few moments ago.

Our perfect and rather satisfying morning ended up being anything but good and along with the nausea from the pregnancy, I feel bad for how I acted towards Harry at breakfast, for what was my own clumsy fault. I didn't intend to take my frustration of spilling my orange juice on my blouse out on him, and his forgiveness and kindness towards me prove that he still loves me beyond my imperfections and I couldn't love him any more.

While I'm hovered over the toilet in the first stall, I try to catch my breath and I hear the door squeak open. My name echoes throughout the ladies' restroom and I recognize her voice.


"Are you okay, love?"

I answer Trish's question with a hum, making sure the seat is clear of any remnants and I push myself up from kneeling on the floor. My motion makes the toilet sensor go off and it flushes automatically. I fix my blazer and open the stall door to see Trish waiting for me by the sinks.

"I figured this was the reason you rushed out of your office, so I thought you'd might need this."

"Thank you," I say, taking my travel toiletry bag that she got from my desk's bottom drawer. After I wash my mouth out, I prepare the small toothbrush with some toothpaste and proceed to brush my teeth.

"You might think about keeping it in here so you have it whenever the nausea hits you," she suggests and I nod in acknowledgement. "And you lucked out, by the way," she says and I look at her through the reflection of the mirror for her to continue. "The head honchos just left for their meeting not even two minutes before you sprinted down the hallway. Everyone else was in their cubicles, too, so no one really saw."

I exhale a breath and finish brushing my teeth. With my hand cupped under the faucet, I gather some water to rinse out my mouth. While I swish, Trish holds out a paper towel for me.

"Thanks," I say, patting my chin dry. "Morning sickness is no joke. And I don't get it just in the morning. It happens any time. It should be called any-minute sickness. If I had known about this lovely little detail, I wouldn't have let Harry even touch me."

"Oh stop it, JJ. This is just all part of the grand experience of pregnancy. It's temporary and your twins will make it all worth it in the end."

"I hope so," I sigh, letting go of the crumpled paper towel in the rubbish bin and I lean my bum against the counter. "I really don't feel like working today. I'm ready for lunch and I haven't even been here an hour. I just wanna go home. I want to change into my comfy pyjamas and lounge in my bed while eating a heaping bowl of grapes. And cuddling Harry, of course."

"Oh of course," Trish grins. "Hey, I've got an idea. Why don't you take the rest of the day off and do exactly what you want to do?"

I tilt my head at her, "Because I was just off a week for my honeymoon. I can't very well take off today; my first day back. I have so much to catch up on as it is. God, and I don't want to do any of it."

"Do you have any PTO left?"

"Yeah, even after using up last week, I have so much time left that I'll probably lose it before the year is over."

"There you go. C'mon, I'll even take the day off with you and I'm sure Emmet would like to come, too. We can get some lunch and go shopping for baby stuff. Y'know Emmet and I have to get a head start on buying things for our nephews or nieces. We'll even get some ice cream. What do you say?"

She smiles mischievously and I groan in defeat, "Alright, you had me at lunch. Let's do it."

"Wonderful! Finish up in here and I'll go tell Emmet about our plan. Meet you at the doors in five?"

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