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C H A P T E R  39

He switched off the drill. He took a tape and plastered my mouth. I couldn't use my words now. He took the machine in his hand and came closer to me. I started moving as much as I could in that locked position. I tried to bring out as much sound as possible from my closed mouth.

He pressed it onto my collar bone and moved it until my stomach. I flinched when it touched my skin, but it wasn't on. He put the drill into my belly button and said, "Now. This is where I'll drill."

He wasn't serious right? But I didn't even know him. Maybe he was a psycho. He would probably drill inside me for real. I was beyond terrified.

What had I gotten myself into? Tears were flowing uninterrupted from my eyes. I kept moving my head sideways to tell him no.

"Alright. Alright. I won't drill your stomach", he said and took the drill off me. I was so relieved but he suddenly pressed it onto my nipple.

"Let's drill this", he said and he took his free hand towards the switch.

This is it. This is how I was going to die. I was on the verge of having a panic attack, when he took off the drilling machine and dropped it to the ground.

He removed my tape and uncuffed me. It all happened so fast, I couldn't process what was happening. I was shocked. Is this real or was it all just a dream? What just happened?

He wiped my tears and said,"I was only messing with you chill. I was promised my share of the fun, that's the reason I agreed to come here. I'm not into all this stuff. I don't do BDSM."

I was blank. I didn't know if I was happy to hear about that or angry about what he did to me, I slapped him.

He was stunned. I slapped him again. He put his palm over his cheek. It must have hurt. I did slap him hard.

"Do you have any fucking idea what you just put me through?", I yelled.

"I'm sorry. I know I crossed a line there", he said softly as he put his head down.

"You are a sick person. You are extremely disgusting. Looking at you makes me feel nauseous to another level", I managed to say. My heart was still racing. He didn't say anything. That drove me crazy.

"Is this how your mom raised you to be? To keep making sick comments and play sick pranks on people? To then take the defence of I was kidding or I was playing with you?"

"Tris. No. Let's not go down that road", he said sternly.

We both were quiet.

"Slap me", he said after a long time.

"What?", I asked.

"Slap me. Let out all your anger", he said.

I didn't think it through, I slapped him. Again and again. He just stood there doing nothing. When I slapped him once more, tears welled up in his eyes. I stopped. I felt so much better now.

"Can we start fresh now? Please? Hi. I'm David Lincoln. You can call me Link", he said and smiled through the pain.

I started crying. I couldn't take it anymore, it was too much. He hugged me. I hugged him back.

He kept saying, "It's okay" while he caressed my back.

"I'm sorry. I would never slap anyone. I was infuriated. I'm really sorry Link", I sobbed.

"Hey. It's not your fault. It's fine. Now try and calm down please", he said and let go of me.

He offered a glass of water and after drinking it, I felt calmed down. I stopped crying and sat down. I took some time to process everything that had happened. He was very patient and gave me all the time I needed.

"You want something to eat?", he asked.

"No thank you", I said.

"I'm extremely sorry for the things I said earlier. I'm sorry I spoke about your upbringing. I'm ashamed of myself for everything that happened now. I really am", I said pleadingly.

"It's fine", he said.

We both apologized to each other many times before selling down and starting a normal conversation.

"What do you mean you are not into all that stuff?", I asked.

"I don't believe that men should always be dominants and women should be submissives. I definitely don't believe it when it is forced upon people. It teaches you discipline and all that bull crap yes. But it's okay only when it is consented. So many students like you don't even know what they are getting themselves into until their first day. And that's not okay", he said.

I was impressed. I had never thought about it in that way. I had never questioned the system.

"As long as you're with me, you can do whatever you want and however you want. I won't judge you as I don't care about being your dom. It's your life and I'm no one to control it. I won't bother you", he said.

I didn't know what to say. "Thank you?", I managed to say like I was still in doubt.

"But remember one thing, whenever you are in any trouble, feel free to call me. I'll always be there for you", he said with a smile.

Oh lord. That smile. He was God sent. This can't be real. I thought Ryan was my knight in a shining armour. But Link was much better. He was like my prince charming.

"So why did you come to this school? What did you mean you were promised your share of fun? Promised by whom?", I asked curiously.

"Well I was promised by my brother Jason. Jace. And I came here to save you and all that remember?", he chuckled.

"Save me? From whom?", I was puzzled.

"From the torture you're forced to bear"

"Why me?", I asked.

"Like I said, because of my brother."

"Who is your brother? What's he got to do with me?"

"Because he's your brother", he said.

I was bewildered. My brother? I recovered from the shock.

"What? My brother is Jackson not Jason", I laughed.

"I'm not talking about Jackson. I'm talking about Jason."

"How can Jason be my brother? So what now, you're my brother too?", I asked mystified.

"Good God! No. I'm not your 'brother' Tris", he laughed air quoting the word brother.

"But Jason is. He's more like your brother first and then mine", he was still laughing.

What was he talking about? Nothing made sense. My brother first?

"Link, if you're kidding again, I swear I'll killl you", I said

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