Chapter 1- Focus

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I slowly opened my sleepy eyes and lazily rolled off the bed reaching for my alarm and turning it off. Standing up, I headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once I was finished I took on the task of waking up my best friend and dorm mate, BFF/N. who was still sleeping peacefully, wrapped in her blankets.

"Oi! Wakey! Wakey!"

BFF/N stirred and yelled back in response, her eyes still closed.

"Shut up man!"

I sighed, pinching the bride of my nose between my fingers in frustration. I thought for a moment's and decided to use the statement that always got her up and moving.

"We're gonna be late!"

With that being said BFF/N shot out of her bed and started running around the dorm frantically trying to get ready. I laughed hysterically at her as she zoomed past.

~7 minuets later~

BFF/N finished getting ready in record time. I made pancakes for us both and we sat down to eat them. Once we were done we left our dorm, locked the door and headed to the first class of the day.


I stared out of the class window in extreme bordom. The teacher was blabbing on about some math equation that made no sense. Besides it was last day of school and I knew that BFF/N would explain it to me later. Whilst I was examining the trees, that were planted in neat rows nearby the school building, I noticed 2 groups of guys, just outside the school gates. They didn't look friendly, they were glaring at each other and stayed closely in their groups, some of them looked like they were going to throw themselves at the others and start a fight. I was watching them curiously when one of the guys suddenly looked up and locked eyes with me. He has black curly hair and was wearing a red hoodie with loosely fitting black trousers. After a few seconds of eye contact he winked, I was about to respond when BFF/N poked my shoulder.

"Focus, I don't wanna explain this all to you later like always! Math sucks"

I pouted but BFF/N ignored me.

"What's so interesting outside anyway?"

Before I could answer her question BFF/N leaned over me and looked out the window.

Idiot count: 0

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