Chapter 30- Reunited?

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I sprinted as fast as I could through the dense forest, I didn't look back because I was scared. Wow me being scared? That's such a big surprise. Actually wait scared isn't a big enough word for this, I was petrified. I ran as long as my legs could carry me for but I had gotten no sleep and I eventually ran out of energy. I stopped, leaning my head against a tree, catching my breath.

"I hope we lost them." I said to BFF/N once I could speak.

After a long moment of silence I looked up to see no one with me, just plants and darkness. I thought BFF/N had been following me but she wasn't here. I was about to run back the way I came when I heard a shout.

"Y/N!" I froze, that wasn't BFF/N's voice but I recognized it.

"We found you!" I felt a weight on my back as someone hugged me from behind.

I looked up and saw.. Taehyung? We locked eyes for a moment before he released me and cleared his throat, he looked embarrassed. I heard a little bark and looked down, a small black and tan Pomeranian was sitting at my feet, looking up at me. I smiled and knelt down to pet it.

"That's Yeontan." Taehyung said will a smile. "He helped find you."

"Hi Yeontan." Yeontan licked my fingers in response and I giggled.

Suddenly Tanner appeared next to Taehyung and looked past me.

"Wheres BFF/N?" He asked, staring at me. He looked worried.

My eyes widened as I remembered BFF/N wasn't with me. How did I forget BFF/N wasn't here? My own best friend!

"S-she was with me before a-and then we ran away, I- I thought she was behind me." I stuttered, a strong wave of dread washing over me. "I just ran, I didn't look behind me."

"YOU LEFT HER!?" Tanner yelled angrily and I flinched. Yeontan, who I was still petting, jumped onto my lap.

"Don't shout at her." I saw Paul appear behind Tanner and that was when I realized everyone was here.

Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Tanner, Matt, Connor, Pat and Paul.

"Wait why were you running?" Namjoon asked.

"W-well after we entered t-the woods we..." I tried to tell them the whole story as best I could with minimal stuttering but I was worried about BFF/N and I didn't want to waste any time. "We need to find her!" I finally finished.

I stood up, picking up Yeontan as I did so and turned around to go find BFF/N when I was stopped by Taehyung and Jimin.

"We will find her." Jimin said with a reassuring nod "After all we managed to find you."

"We just can't go right now. We are all tired and need rest first." Taehyung added.

Everyone started walking back to Hi5's mansion but I was reluctant to leave. Eventually everyone had disappeared from sight until only Tae was left with me, and Yeontan, of course.

"Come on, let's go back." He said starting to walk away but stopped when I didn't follow him. "Y/N we can't go find her right now, your tired and it's been an eventful night. Come back with us and we will search tomorrow, promise."

I shook my head, "I'm not tired, we can't wait till tomorrow we have to look now." Just as I was pleading with him a yawn escaped from my mouth and I tried my best to hide it.

Tae sighed and walked back to me. "We can wait, It's okay, I promise we will look for her tomorrow, if she is with one of the other gangs we will know where to find her. See, your tired and you need sleep look, even Yeontan is exhausted."

I looked down to see Yeontan asleep in my arms, I smiled at how cute he looks. My stubbornness means this little cute fluff ball can't sleep in his bed... After a moment I slightly nodded my head and Tae held my arm as we walked back to the mansion. When we arrived all the lights were off and it was silent, they must of went straight to sleep I thought. I then saw a big truck, I remembered the same truck being parked outside BTS's mansion so I guessed it was theirs. Following Tae inside I sat down in the seat next to him, putting a sleeping Yeontan on my lap. I was watching the other cars drive past outside the window when I felt my eyes grow heavy, It wasn't long before the real world faded away and I fell asleep.

Idiot count- 0

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