Chapter 44- Merging gangs?

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~Taehyung's/Tea's POV~

I woke up early in the morning, well the truth is, I barely slept. Yesterday I found out that BFF/N is actually alive which means Y/N could be alive too! I'm not sure why but... I care for her alot and I hope she is okay.

The rescue plan was going to take place at night and the whole day I was restless. I think the others could sense my anxiousness because they kept reassuring me that everything would be fine.

I had to say, it was quite weird being allies with the other gangs. We may not have been "enemies" but we definitely never spoke to eachother, then all of a sudden these 2 girl appear and now we're all working together to rescue one of them. If you told me this would of happened a month ago, I wouldn't of believed it, it's funny how 2 girls can get 23 guys to work together.

After what I thought was the longest day ever, the sun finally began to set and we could begin our mission. I wasn't exacy sure how I was feeling though, exited, worried, happy, nervous.. you get the point. I was happy at the thought of maybe seeing Y/N again but I was worried she might be hurt and I was nervous about not being able to save her.

Soon all 24 of us made it to the West gang mansion. Of course BFF/N insisted on helping us, which I understand besides, the more people the better. After a short discussion between ourselves the South gang parted ways and the rescue mission began.

~James POV~

I followed the rest of the South gang around to the front of the mansion. We all snuck into an open window, unnoticed and spread out through the hallways. I wasn't in there long before I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw kid, he looked around the same age as BFF/N. He held up a gun and spoke.

"What are you doing here? Did you think it would be that easy to sneak in?"

"Kid what are you doing? You're too young to be messing around with guns, go like play Xbox or something."

"I'm not a kid!" He shouted in response, "Now answer my question!"

"Your question?" I asked, pretending to be confused, " what was your question again?"

The kid sighed before replying, "Don't forget that I'm the one with the gun here dude. I asked what you're doing here."

"Well, I think it would be quite hard to forget that your holding a gun in my face. Oh, and did I mention that kids like you shouldn't be playing with guns an-"

He cut me off with an angry sigh, "You know what, just come with me."

He lead me into a room, it was like a regular-sized room and looked slightly like an office. I saw the rest of my gang in there and sat down with them. There were members of the west gang all around the room.

I'm impressed. I thought to myself. It didn't take them that long to catch us. After a short while of waiting the kid returned, followed by an older look-alike of him. I knew this was the leader, I'd seen him before, an unpleasant person to bump into I must admit. He sat down at a desk Infront of us. Is this a business meeting or something? Just as I thought that a genius idea popped into my head.

"So, why are all of you here?" Rory, the leader asked.

"Well.." I began and Rory turned to face me. "We're so fed up of the other gangs, we can't stand them anymore."

"Okay..." Rory said, looking unconvinced, "That still doesn't explain why you're here."

"I was just getting there. You see, we really like the way your gang works and we want to learn from you, maybe work with you even. Don't we guys?" I asked, hoping everyone would go along with it.

"Yes, yes" "Of course!"

I smiled inwardly with pride, we should honestly be actors.

Rory looked a bit more interested now that his gang was getting praise.

"So you want to work with us? But what does the west gang get out of that?"

"Well, if we were to merge gangs think about how powerful our gang could be! We would have double the territory, more money, more members, I could list things all day."

"I see.. but who would be in charge if we merged our gangs? You guys don't have a leader, do you? Does that mean I would be the leader? It seems fair."

I was about to answer when the door flew open and all I heard was.

"Sir! We have a problem!"

Idiot count- 0

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