Chapter 21- Explore Expedition

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~Y/N's POV~

I looked up from my pancakes as BFF/N spoke.

"So how was everyone's morning..?"

Connor shrugged as he swallowed his pancakes.

"Just like every other morning, I guess..?"

Tanner put his fork down on his plate.

"Why do you want to know?" He asked with a smile.

"It's just too quiet in here, that's all" BFF/N shrugged and went back to eating her pancakes.

It was quiet for a couple of minutes when Matt got a call, he left the room and answered, I looked up at everyone and the guys looked at each other in confusion.

I was the first to finish and I took my plate and went to wash it, by the time i was finished washing my plate everyone else put their plates in the sink and just gave me a smile, I laughed slightly and washed everyone's plates.

BFF/N was more quiet than usual, maybe because she was tired? Or she couldn't sleep? Either or, I hope she's okay. The guys slowly left the room and Tanner was about to leave but he turned around and spoke.

"Yous can do what you wish I guess, just don't leave anywhere or don't disturb us." he spoke clamly looking at both me and BFF/N, we nodded our heads and then he left with a sly smile.

As soon as Tanner left, I turned to face BFF/N.

"Should we explore!?" I asked her. Since we weren't allowed to leave and had nothing to do, I was quite excited about the thought of exploring the massive house. There must be so many rooms and I wondered what would be in each one.

BFF/N nodded her head eagerly and we both left the kitchen. We stepped into the same hallway we had made our way through this morning. Turning left we made our way down the hallway, we opened every single door we came across, most of the rooms were either empty or were made into a sort lounge area with sofas and game consoles.

We were starting to get bored of the same sort of rooms when there were 2 big double doors, we silently approached them and put our ears to the door, checking to make sure no one was in before we entered. We pushed the 2 doors open and rushed into the room, our eyes widened and BFF/N squealed in delight. The room was full of arcades and was lit with colour changing neon lights. There was stairs leading to a second floor and at the back of the room we could see a slide. BFF/N and I made our way through the room playing almost every arcade in there and going down the slide at least a million times. The time flew by and before we knew it, we had spent more than a few hours in there, it was getting later in the day and we were getting hungry but we were determined to play all the arcade games. BFF/N was beating me in a game when someone suddenly burst through the door, scaring us both. We turned around in sync to see Paul standing in the doorway, he crossed his arms and laughed at us as he saw us jump.

"You look like your having fun" He said still laughing at us.

"Hey! Don't laugh at us!" I shouted as we walked over to him, also laughing.

"You can't stop me though!!" He answered sticking his tongue out at us.

"Wanna bet?" BFF/N retorted, she started bolting towards Paul and he ran away screaming.

I ran after them, me and BFF/N laughing our heads off whilst Paul was still screaming like a girl. After awhile of running through hallways and different rooms Paul finally stopped in the big dining room we ate breakfast in. He dramatically collapsed on the floor, panting heavily.

"Gosh! These girls have stamina!"

Me and BFF/N stopped trying to catch our breath aswell.

"But task completed, I got them for lunch" Paul added, still on the ground.

I looked up, turns out the table was set and lunch had been made. BFF/N and I raced each other to the table and sat down to eat.

Idiot count:0

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