Chapter 45~ Get hit by a chair

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I woke up and realised that I was in someones arms, I looked up and saw that it was Tanner. I smiled slightly and made my way to the kitchen trying my best not to wake him up.

I made it to the kitchen and saw that it was empty so I sat down and the cook and I had a conversation while he made the food.

Slowly after everyone slowly filtered in. Tanner was the last to come through and when we made eye contact we just smiled.

After breakfast I made my way back to the room to get changed and ready to hopefully get Y/N and get some payback.
We were on our way to the west gang and I felt slightly nervous and guilty? I looked out the window the whole way and I must've not realised that my leg was bouncing and Tanner put his hand on my leg, when I looked over at him he just nodded his head at me.

We arrived and the South gang went inside. Not long after me, Tanner, Tea and John went inside whilst the rest waited outside, we had an important role, sneaking in through the back and not getting caught.

Before this we had a whole chat about keeping each other safe and I had an amazing suggestion of having guns but got turned down :(. John made sure that the coast was clear and so we headed in quietly.

We were making our way through the corridors when I heard Tanner and Tea arguing behind me.

"No it's this way Tae!"

"No it's this way Tanner"

"No it's thi-"

"I swear to god if you 2 idiots don't shut up I will personally go to Rory and tattle yous out. Tea you go down the left, Tanner you go down the right, John your the lookout and I will go back to where I was when I was here." I said not in the mood, they were all silent probably confused until Tea spoke up.

"My names not Tea-"

"Tea this is your last warning"

"I'm going with you." Tanner said looking at me, he seemed worried but I rolled my eyes and replied.

"No, we have a better chance of splitting up, I'll be fine. Surprisingly John is the only quiet one here."

I didn't bother looking at anyone and made my way to that oddly pretty hallway. I was there and now I was looking through every room when I heard a guard, I ran into one of the rooms and realised that it was my old one.

I grabbed the chair and opened the door and saw that the guard wasn't too far down the hall. I slowly made my way behind him and hit him over the head with it. Now I know what Hamilton meant about hitting someone with a chair. I chuckled slightly at my great thinking but I had to get going.

It was the last room and I realised that it was locked, gladly I grabbed the key from the guard earlier. At this point I was slowly losing hope of finding her but when I opened the door and saw her lying there I couldn't help but smile.

"Y/N!" I nearly shouted, she woke up and looked at me, I could tell that she was in the verge of tears.

"BFF/N?!" I untied her ropes and then we hugged and cried with each other.

"I thought you were dead" I told her between cries.

"And I thought you were dead"

"Aw how adorable, yous are reunited, but not for long. Now get up, both of you."

Idiot count- 1

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