Chapter 11- Cops And Robbers

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"Hello girls" a voice said behind me and Y/N, we slowly turned around and I could tell Y/N was freaking out, I had to play it cool.

"Hey, we just kind of magically found our way here but we won't disturb you so we will just get out of your hair" I told the guy in front of me and tried walking around him but he stopped me.

"I don't think so princess, maybe yous 2 will be of use to us"

"No i dont think we will" Y/N chimed in, I slapped her on her arm signalling that I've got this under control.

"What do you mean by, 'of use to yous'" I asked with air quotations. He slowly made his way over to me, I had to give it to him, he was good looking,but not my type.

While he was walking over, I stood my ground, I kept my composure. When he reached me, he whispered so quietly I could barely hear it.

"I don't think you want to know" I leaned in closer, inches apart, I said.

"Maybe I do" with that said I leaned back and raised my eyebrow at him in a challenging move, he laughed at me and spoke.

"I like you" I cheekily smiled and said.

"Who doesn't" he was about to speak but Y/N started to speak.

"How are yous so calm right now! if you're going to kill us then do it already bloody hell!!" I stared at her in disbelief but turned my attention back to the guy.

"Yeh, why are you here?"

"Why should I answer to you?"

"Because I-" before I could finish another voice was heard from the corridor.

"Oi Connor, you good in there, did u get those 2 girls?"

"I'm fine, Tanner" he shouted back, I looked at him and spoke.

"Connor huh? Well Connor, if you don't mind me and my friend here are just going to, skidadlle"

I grabbed the pool stick and hit him in the stomach and then at his 'no no square', then I grabbed Y/N'S hand and ran out of there.

I could hear him shout, probobaly in pain but I didn't care, as attractive as he was, he wasn't worth it. I managed to find the kitchen again and realized that there was a door in there.

Y/N tried opening it but it was locked.

"Of bloody course!" she said in anger.

"You love using the word bloody, don't you" I questioned with a smile.

"Not the time!"

"yes of course not..." I said nervously, she grabbed my hand and we creeped outside of the living room where we could see the 7 idiots and the other idiots who broke in, I noticed the door and we bolted for it.

We were right at the door when 3 men came in front of us, stopping us dead in our tracks.

They all wore black clothing but they all looked different, of course, one of them was the guy from before, he looked like he was in deep pain, either way he had what looked to be light brown hair, the other was bald and the last one looked very familiar, as I've seen him before, but I completely forgot after all of the events of tonight.

"Yous really enjoying running don't you ladies?"

Idiot count:0

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