Chapter 22- Gun Game

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I sat down with Y/N to eat my lunch, we ate pretty quickly since we were both hungry. I thought about what we could do after lunch. Go back to the arcade room? No we've already spent too much time there today. Explore more? I got bored of that already.. The rooms are all pretty much the same, honestly these idiots have a whole mansion and they can't at least put something different in their rooms? As I finished my sandwich I thought of more ideas. Annoy these idiots even more? I must admit, I'm pretty good at that I thought to myself proudly. I wonder if Paul knows anything we can do. He was also eating his lunch, after finally getting up off the floor. I looked up from my almost empty plate and in his direction.

"Other that big arcade room, Is there anything else to do here?" I asked him. He thought for a moment before replying.

"Hmm, there's a movie room, a music studio, a dance studio, a pool, a gaming room, horse stables.."

Y/N suddenly looked up, she had finished her food and was quietly listening.

"You've got horses!?" Y/N asked excitedly. Paul nodded and Y/N instantly jumped up.

"Can we go see them!?" She was already practically trying to drag me off my seat and I had to push her away to stop myself from falling off it.

"Hey! I know you love animals but let me finish my food first!" I went back to my lunch, eating slightly faster than before but not much, I'm not quickening my eating speed just so Y/N can go and drag me around.

Soon Paul and I were finished eating and we headed outside. We followed him along some paths as soon enough a big barn like building came into view. That must be the stables, I thought to myself. We entered the stables and the first thing Y/N did was head up to the first horse she saw and started petting it. The barn didn't look that special, but then again what did I expect, they don't really like decorating unless it's a game room apparently.

"BFF/N come look! Their so cute!" She squealed happily, still petting the horse. I walked over to her and watched her.

"We can go out for a trek if you want to." Paul spoke up as he opened one of the stall doors.

"Can we!?" Yes please!" Y/N smiled finally turning her attention away from the horse. It was so amazing how she could get so excited over a horse.

Paul nodded and turned to me. "Do you wanna come?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Yous can go, I'm going to go and look through the different rooms" I told them with a smile.

Y/N gave me a small hug and left with Paul, I made my way back into the house. I was wondering where the other idiots were but I forgot about that when I came across the gaming room.

It seemed as if there were many of those here since this one is different from the one me and Y/N were at. I looked around for a bit and sat in front of the PS4, I found the games that go with it and put on Call Of Duty.

I was playing the 'gun game' game mode when someone came in and spoke.

"Hey, why are you here all alone?" by the voice I could tell it was Tanner, my eyes not leaving the screen I spoke.

"Y/N is out horse riding with Paul and I didn't want to so I'm here, why are you here?" I asked confused even though he couldn't see my face.

"Just wanted to see how you and Y/N were doing, that's all. What you playing?" I could tell he was slowly walking over to me, I didn't really mind to be honest.

"Call of Duty" I said looking up at him for the first time since he walked in.

He picked up another controller and he joined my game, I gave him a questioning look but all he did was send me an innocent smile.

It felt like hours when we played together, we both won and lost and just had a laugh, it was weird since he kidnapped us-

"Can I ask you something Tanner?"

"Yeh?" he said looking at me, confusion was clear on his face.

"Why did you kindap me and Y/N? And why are you being so nice to us? Shouldn't you want us dead and torture us or something?"

Idiot count:1

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