Chapter 32- Do I like her?

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I woke up to the sound of rain pattering gently on the window. I sat up and looked around the room I was in. I'm kinda used to waking up in unfamiliar rooms now, which I don't think is a good thing. I clambered out of the bed and walked over to the window. Trees were swaying in the wind while raindrops raced eachother down the window. I was busy looking out the window when I heard breathing in the room, which wasn't me. I spun around to face whoever was in the room but was confused when I didn't see anyone. Then I heard a muffled growl and saw Yeontan curled up on the bottom of the bed. He looked so cute.

"Lil fluff ball." I wispered as I headed back to the bed, I kneeled down and began petting him.

He kept growling in his sleep and I laughed every time he did. After while I heard the door crack open, I looked over my shoulder and saw Tae peeking in the room.

"Oh you are awake, I thought so!" He said with a smile. He noticed me petting Yeontan and smiled even more. "Yeontan was so worked up last night.. he wanted to stay and sleep with you, he really likes you."

"And I like him!" I replied smiling. "He is so cute when he's sleeping, and when he's awake."

"He was really tired out last night, all that running around." Tae laughed. After a short pause he spoke again. "But I came to tell you that, Namjoon made breakfast for everyone, with the help of Jin of course. You should get ready and come eat!"

I nodded my head and looked at him, he smiled at me. He looked so happy, his smile looked like a box and I found it cute. My eyes then moved from his smile to his eyes and we locked gazes. He had big, brown eyes and I know this sounds cringy but they looked like they were from an anime. I felt a weird feeling in my stomach and I couldn't help but smile at him. A few minutes had passed, is this getting awkward? This is getting awkward isn't it? I redirected my gaze to the ground.

"I'll get ready now.." I said, standing up. Taehyung nodded and left, closing the door behind him.

~Taehyung POV~

I closed the door to Y/N's room behind me. I closed my eyes and smiled. She looked so cute kneeling on the floor with Yeontan, and her smile could light up the darkest of rooms, Wait- I don't like her do I? No I dont, of course not..? Right?

"Earth to Taehyung!"

I suddenly opened my eyes and looked up to see Yoongi Infront of me waving his hands like a mad man.

"Oh Yoongi, what are you doing?" I asked and he stopped jumping around.

"What am I doing? I'm trying to make sure your still alive. What were you doing?"

"Nothing, just thinking." I replied quickly, "Should we head downstairs?" Yoongi shrugged his shoulders and nodded, I followed him down and into the room everyone else was congregated in. A few minutes later, Y/N appears and we all began to eat.

"It was raining really hard last night." Jungkook stated between bites.

"It was? Is it still raining?" Jimin asked, looking up from his meal.

"It is, the rain is meant to get worse throughout the day.. there might be a storm?" Namjoon responded.

"A storm!? But were meant to go look for BFF/N today!" Y/N half shouted half cried from where she sat beside me.

"We.. might have to put that off Y/N.. we can't go out if there's a storm." Hoseok said after swallowing his final bite.

"Put it off!? No we can't do that! We need to find BFF/N now!" Y/N shouted, her voice filled with panic and... Anger?

"Y/N, I agree with Hoseok we ca-" Jimin began but Y/N cut him off.

"No we can! I'm going to look for her! Even if none of you won't! I'm not afraid of some stupid rain!" She yelled, Y/N stood up and practically ran out of the room. Shortly after I heard the front door being opened and closed.

A big wave of anger and worry surged over me, anger at the others for deciding not to help look for BFF/N and worry for Y/N who had just left to look for her, alone.

"You idiots!" I shouted at them, standing up. "I promised Y/N we would look for her friend and now she's gone alone.."

Everyone looked at me in shock and Jungkook stood up and glared at me. "Idiots!? Is that what we are now? Look if you care about her so much then go after her!"

I turned around to leave and follow Y/N when someone else shouted.

"Both of you stop!" Yoongi slammed his hand on the table which made all of us jump. "Shouting at each other isn't going to get us anywhere."

I glanced at Jungkook before sitting back down, he did the same. After a few moments of silence I spoke again.

"Well?" I asked impatiently. "What are we going to do? We are going after Y/N right?"

"I don't think we have a choice now anyway.." Namjoon responded. "We should visit Hi5 and all of us should head South. That's the way we went to find Y/N yesterday and we should visit the Eboys and Sidemen. They might have found BFF/N and if not all of us could look for them together."

"But what about Y/N?" I asked.

"She will be long gone by now, but we should come across her on the way to the South gang." Jin answered, picking up the empty plates. He sounded confident but I wasn't so sure.


I eventually made it to the forest me and BFF/N had entered last night. Namjoon had been right, the rain had become heavier and I could hear thunder rumbling in the distance.

I had been walking between the damp trees for a while and still had no clue of where BFF/N could be, I was soaked and was getting really cold. I only had a t-shirt and a hoodie on, it didn't offer much protection. I was an idiot when it came to choosing clothing I know. I had checked the whole trail, up to where we got attacked and beyond. I had to admit I was cold, starting to get tired and maybe slightly lost but I wasn't going to stop.

I felt really guilty that I just left her in the woods all by herself, she acts tough but I know the real her, she can be the most terrified but she won't show it. When Tanner shouted at me I kind of felt like I deserved it becaus-

Before I could finish I'm 100% sure I heard something, and I have amazing hearing, that's what the doctors all say, not me. I turned around to see if I could see anyone but I couldn't, so I kept walking, and that was one of my worst mistakes.

Next thing I know, everything is black. Again.

Idiot count- 3

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