Chapter 6- Slightly Drunk

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Me and BFF/N were drinking and dancing all through the night, it was our first night out and we really shouldn't of have drunk so much since we've never drunk and didn't know our tolerance level of it but it's fine, right?

Anyways, we drunk until we were slightly drunk but not to the point we were crazy, I dont think... We were dancing with each other and some guys wanted to flirt with us but we ignored them and lived our best life.

Soon the party started to die out a little, the music was still blasting but people were slowly leaving so we decided it was best to leave. The problem was we were drunk and couldn't drive home.

I hung onto BFF/N'S arm like it was the only thing keeping me alive, we were stumbling over the place laughing our heads off when a group of guys came to us, I thought I recognized them from somewhere but didn't know where and just ignored it.

"You ladies lost?" one handsome guy said.

"nope not one bit good sir" BFF/N said in her British accent which wasn't the best.

"right, so you're not drunk what so ever?"

"Oh my lord, I swear to drunk we're not god!" she said, she looked at me for confirmation and I just nodded.
The guys laughed and BFF/N looked confused.

"Did I say something amusing to yous?"

"you're clearly very drunk, let us take you home?"

"y'all are gonna kidnap us but okay whatever" I added which made BFF/N burst into laughter, the dudes didn't look impressed and started walking with us.

Me and BFF/N started talking in accents and having multiple fits of laughter, the guys were confused but didn't question it, BFF/N kept tripping on her own feet and kept apologizing to the ground. We looked crazy to say the least.

We reached their house and it looked like a mansion, I think that they wanted us to be really impressed but all I said was.

"so y'all got any food?"

Idiot count: 0


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