Chapter 5- Life Of The Party

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I was walking beside Y/N, she was hugging my arm as we approached the big mansion. Matthew's parents were rich, he lived in a big house and everyone is always surprised that he doesn't go to private college, he says it's because he will miss his friends too much if he goes to a private college, which is understandable I guess, besides he never usually pays attention in his classes anyway so I don't think it will make a difference to his education, going to a private college or not.

The closer we got the louder the music got, we could see alot of people in the garden at the back of the house and guessed that there were much more people inside too, knowing Matthew he probably invited the whole school, and who would turn down an invitation from one of the richest kids in the school?

The big silver gates infront of the mansion were wide open, giving everyone easy access to the party. Of course their were security outside making sure that the only people entering the mansion were Matthew's fellow college students. As we were about to walk through the grand looking entrance, the security guard smiled and greeted us. We were close friends with Matthew and had been to his grand house a few times before so we knew the people that worked there, and they knew us.

"Welcome Miss BFF/N and Miss Y/N" He dipped his head politely. "Looking forward to the party?"

I looked up smiled at him sweetly.

"Thank you Mr Spears! And yes we are really excited!"

Y/N nodded in agreement with me, still hugging my arm. We were planning to stay close together the whole night, after all this is our first party.

"Make sure you enjoy it girls!" He added before stepping aside to let us enter.

"We will! Thank you Mr Spears!"
We chimed in harmony as we walked past him and entered Matthew's grand house.

As soon as we stepped inside we stopped and looked around us, it looked like any other party you would expect. The room was full of people talking, laughing and dancing left, right and center, the walls were shining with multi coloured disco lights and there were tables all around, some covered with grand party food and others empty, surrounded by chairs for people to sit down at.

I started making my way through the energetic crowd, dragging Y/N behind me, I shouted behind me to her, so she could hear me over the loud music and the chattering of students.

"Where do you want to go!?"

Y/N was silent for a moment as she thought, I could already guess her answer though.

"The food!" She exclaimed excitedly, her face lighting up.

"Okay!" I laughed at her suddenly excited mood at the thought of food.

We headed over to the closest table, picking up paper plates so we could put our food on them.
I didn't put much on my plate before heading over to an empty table and sitting down to eat. I watched Y/N as she filled up her plate and came to sit down beside me. It didn't take long to clear our plates, the food was delicious. We were happily talking and laughing between ourselves when someone appeared beside us.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it! Are you enjoying the party!?"

We both turned our heads to the owner of the voice, it was Matthew, he sat in the chair beside Y/N and looked at us, waiting for an answer.

"Yes! It's great so far!" I responded

"And the food is delicious!" Y/N added, with a big smile.

Matthew laughed

"I knew you would like the food Y/N! And I made sure to get both of your favourite sweets"

Y/N clapped her hands happily

"Yes you did! Thank you so much Matthew! But is there any drinks? I'm thirsty" Y/N looked around the crowded room looking for somewhere to get a drink.

"I'll get some! Wait here" Matthew swiftly left the table, disappearing into the crowd. He returned minutes later with 2 drinks in his hands.

"Here you go!" He put the drinks down infront of us "Well I'm going to talk to some others, it was great to see you here! Have fun! Bye!" As quickly as he appeared he was gone again, the crowd swallowing him once more.

Y/N reached for the cup and took a big gulp from the straw, I picked up my cup and was about to do the same when Y/N made a noise, removing the straw from her mouth and studying the drink.

"What's wrong?" I asked her worriedly.

"I thought Matthew got water, this doesn't taste like water" she replied, still staring at the drink.

"Does it taste bad?" I asked, nervous to try it.

Y/N shook her head.

"No no! It tastes great! I was just surprised because I was expecting the bland taste of water"

"Ooh okay" I nodded in understanding and took a sip of the drink, it did taste great. I continued to drink it and we finished them quite quickly.

"Aww I finished it.." I said, disappointed.

Y/N put her empty cup down and looked into the crowd.

"Let's go see if we can find where Matthew got the drinks from" She said, turning to face me.

"Good idea" I agreed, standing up and grabbing Y/N's hand.

We made our way through the crowd looking around for the table that had the drinks on them.

"Do you see the table with the drinks?" I asked Y/N

She shook her head.

"You guys are looking for the drinks table??"

A guy with short brown hair, wearing black skinny ripped jeans with a white shirt came over to us, he seemed nice.

"yeh we are, can you take us?" I asked the mysterious guy.

"Yes, sure why not."

Me and Y/N followed the guy to another table which held the drinks, Y/N went straight for the cups while I laughed at her.

"Thanks for your help"

"Not a problem, Paul"


"My name, it's Paul" he reached his hand out for me to shake, I shook it and replied.

"My name is BFF/N and that's Y/N"

"Well it was nice seeing yous, talk to you later"
Paul left and when I turned around to see what Y/N was up to she was getting absolutely drunk. I decided to join her.

Idiot Count: 0

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