Chapter 25- Master Plan

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~Taehyung's/Tea's POV~

I was about to run after the stupid North Gang when Jungkook stopped me, I looked up at him confused and all he did was shake his head. I sighed and watched as they dragged Y/N and, we never actually got her name to be fair. It was hard seeing them just dragging Y/N out, I didn't know why it was so painful.

"We have to get them back guys." I said turning around looking at all of my best friends in the room. They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"We can't risk it Tae, you shouldn't care anyway, they're just 2 girls okay?" Namjoon explained to me, I shook my head no and explained to them all.

"I don't care if they're 'just 2 girls, Hyung they're innocent 2 girls that got dragged into this because of us and we have to save them. So if you like it or not I'm going to save them."

I turned around and started to make my way towards the door when Jimin called after me.

"Stop! You're right. They got dragged into this and we need to help them, so let's go make a plan and think about this logically." I turned back around and nodded my head. We all went and sat in the living room and came up with a plan, well tried to.

~Time Skip To Next Morning~

When I woke up I went and did my normal routine and when I was done I went to the kitchen for breakfast. I didn't really sleep much since all I could think about was Y/N sitting alone in a dark empty room, helpless- I tried getting my mind off of it and saying that they're going to be fine but it seemed like I was more concerned about Y/N than her friend, I mean she seems strong but Y/N doesn't? I guess? i don't really know how to describe her she's-

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Hobi dropped his plate on his way to the sink, I got a little bit of a scare, but I think everyone did to be fair.

"God dammit" Hobi said shaking his head, Jimin got up and helped him clean it up while everyone else continues with their food.

After breakfast we all made our way to the living room, we sat and watched TV for a bit since we didn't have any work to do for once. We were all together but something didn't feel right, I just didn't know what.

After we finished watching TV we disscused our plan and made sure it was perfect. We decided that it was best to go tomorrow night when everyone is asleep and we take them back when they're asleep since Y/N's friend loves to talk and will probably shout at all of us, and after our master plan we take them home and pretend like nothing ever happened. Now the hardest part is to get the plan in action.

~Time Skip To the next day~

Today we are going to take the girls back, I was slightly excited because I haven't had such fun to do since my last mission, which I nearly got killed in but besides the point- We were getting ready getting our gear just in case anything goes wrong and waited for the sun to set.

The sun has set and we were making our way to the North Gang's mansion. I was slightly nervous since the plan could crumble to pieces but I tried staying strong. Shortly after we arrived at the mansion and all the lights were out. Perfect. Me, Jungkook and Yoongi decided that we were going to go inside and get the girls and the others are going to stay out by the car just in case if something doesn't go as planned.

We made our way through and saw a window opened so we took the chance and climbed in through it. We split up and went to look for them, I got to a room which looked really nice, but I saw that there were Y/N's clothes on the bed. I thought I was seeing things so I turned on the light but it was hers.

I rushed out of the room and made my way to Jungkook who was a few doors down, when I got in he held up the clothes that Y/N's friend was wearing I shook my head when all of the worst scenarios came flying into my head then I heard the idiot Matt talk.

"We have Yoongi, you 2 two can come out here too." I was beyond mad so I stormed out and went right up to Matt's face.

"Where are they! What did you do to them!" I shouted straight in Matt's face, he seemed slightly confused.

"They're in their rooms, besides you're not getting them back." He said with a cocky smirk.

"If they're the rooms with their clothes then they're definitely not there!" When I said that Matt looked confused and worried, he started to speak.

"What do you mea-" before he could finish Tanner came running out of Y/N'S friends room.

"They're gone!"

Idiot count:0

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