Chapter 31- Can't believe my eyes

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I started to wake up with my head throbbing in pain, I held my head in my hands and I realized that I couldn't remember much of what happened the night before. I slowly pulled my hands away from my face and realized I had no idea where I was.

I looked around looking for some clue as to where I could be but that didn't help, I tried getting up but it felt as if my knees gave in and I didn't enjoy that feeling whatsoever, I looked around once more and realized that Y/N wasn't with me, is she okay!? where is she?! why isn't- my thoughts where cut off by a familiar voice.

"You're awake, took you long enough." When I looked up I was shocked to say the least, it was Ted, yes the pirate kid from my maths class.

"Ted? What are you doing here? Let me go." I told him looking very confused, I was still trying to get up but it felt like someone was holding me down, I looked up at Ted helplessly.

"Don't try getting up, the mixture just started to work, now back to your previous question, I'm the second in command here, and no I will not let you go Luv." I looked at him, I felt betrayed in a way, I never knew him and he didn't know me, so why did he hate me?

"Ted, please-" Before I could finish someone else came in, he looked very familiar like I've seen him before.

"Ah she's awake, Ted you can go" Ted nodded his head and left the room, the mysterious guy turned to face me and smirked "Well goodmorning princess, how did you sleep?"

When he called me princess my first thoughts went straight to Tanner and how he called me that, I hated how it sounded coming out of this guys mouth.

"Don't call me princess, and you should know that I didn't sleep well idiot." He chuckled and I didn't realize I said anything funny.

"I have a weird feeling we're going to get along, but anyways-" I didn't let him finish since I couldn't care about what he had to say.

"Where is Y/N?"

"Who?" I looked at him like he was mad and something must've clicked in the small brain of his.

"Ohh the lass who was with you, yeh I don't know." This is when I was worried, she wouldn't of have left me right? Or did she run away because stuff was getting scary? I wish I could remember!

"She left you, she noticed that no one was paying attention and left, she didn't care about you." I shook my head in disbelief, she wouldn't do that to me, of course not?

"I don't belive you!" I shouted at him, I still couldn't move but if I could, I know for a fact I would be all up in his face.

"Then why isn't she here with you?"

After that, he left. I was left with my thoughts, I didn't believe that she would leave me, I didn't want to, I just wish I could remember what fully happened before I passed out. I guess I'm the idiot with the idiot memory, great going BFF/N, just great.

Idiot count- 2

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