Chapter 24- Midnight Walk

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~Y/N's POV~

I jumped in the air as soon as I entered the dining room. I won!
I noticed that everyone else was sitting at the table. I sat in a spare seat, soon BFF/N and Tanner entered. Slow pokes. I thought to myself. They found seats and everyone started eating. Once we were finished I dragged BFF/N away before Tanner could make her do the dishes because technically they had both tied. We decided to go to BFF/N's room because she wanted to fill me in on what Tanner had told her.

I sat on BFF/N's bed as she told me everything.

"Woah, of course it's us that got into this mess" sighed and fell backwards, laying down on the bed.

"4 gangs.. hmmm? Aren't gangs dangerous? These guys don't seem dangerous.. neither did, what was their name? Bangtan? I mean they do have guns but.." I trailed off as I got lost in my own thoughts. I was thinking about a few days ago, after the party, I was trying to remember seeing any weapons or anything dangerous in any of the rooms but I couldn't remember seeing anything, and besides, if I had I would've probably freaked out or screamed.

Me and BFF/N had been talking for awhile about random things like we usually do when an idea suddenly popped into my head. I suddenly sat up.

"I've got an idea" I said, looking at her.

"What is it?"

"When I was out on a horse trek with Paul we went through a big woods, there was the main path which we walked on but there are so many smaller routs to go, if we managed to get out we could head there and easily escape." I wispered, keeping my voice low so only BFF/N could hear me.

BFF/N stayed silent for a moment, I guessed that she was thinking. Then she slowly nodded her head yes.

"Okay, when should we leave though? It would have to be at night, right?"

"Yes it would, how about we meet.. inside the arcade room at 2:00?? That's far enough away from everyone and they should all be asleep right?" I asked her, trying to think of the best way to pull of the plan.

"Yes! That should work, there's doors leading outside from the room isn't there? That's perfect!" She nodded her head.

It was decided, we were escaping tonight and heading home, it was time for this party to end.


I closed the door behind me as I headed out of BFF/N's room, I started walking down the hallway towards my own room. We had decided to go to sleep early so that we could wake up on time. Suddenly Paul appears around the corner.

"Oh hey Y/N! I was coming to find you, I had lots of fun on the horse trek and was wondering, do you wanna play some games together?" He asked, smiling at me.

"Hi Paul, sorry I would love to but I'm kinda tired.." I replied looking up at him.

"It's okay, we have tommorow"

I nodded and slipped passed him, heading to my room, which was right there and closing the door behind me. I didn't know if he had left or not, I didn't check. I got chnaged and went to sleep.

Turns out it's hard to sleep when your constantly running through an escape plan in your mind, before I knew it, it was 1:50AM. I got up and quietly got changed, making sure to put warm clothes on. Slowly opening the door and snuck down the hallway to the arcade room, when I finally got there I saw BFF/N just about the head through the door. I quickened my pace to catch up to her and she sliently greeted me with a smile. She opened the door and we slipped inside the room. All the arcade machines had been turned off and the room was dark, we decided it was better to not turn the light on and navigated around the arcades with only the moonlight from the windows to guide us.

Soon we made it to the door that lead us to freedom, I silently opened the door. We closed it behind us to leave no trace of the direction we had gone. As soon as the door clicked shut we ran.

We ran towards the stables which would then lead to the woods, when we made it to the start of the trail I turned back to look at the house and saw a few lights turn on, almost all in sync. Me and BFF/N didn't think twice we turned around and ran along the trail, soon after we made it to a lake, we took a breather there since we were out fo breathe.

"Where next?" BFF/N asked me panting, I looked around us and all I saw was trees. Beyond the trees I saw a slight opening with a faint path.

"Over there" I said pointing towards the path, she nodded her head and we made our way down it.

It felt like hours have passed but we didn't actually know the time so we just kept following the path. We were walking along the path when I thought I heard a stick crack.

"Did you hear that?!" I asked BFF/N worriedly looking around frantically, she looked more confused than worried.

"No? You must be hearing things, not like anyone would be out here at this time dear." She told me not looking concerned what so ever. I was more than terrified.

"you never know what lurks in the shadows okay! I've seen Stranger Things!" I said, well almost shouted but still... BFF/N still didn't look impressed.

"And so have I, the Demogorgon isn't real okay. Let's get going before the idiots manage to track us or something" I just nodded my head and went along with it.

We were making our way through the woods when BFF/N stopped all of a sudden.

"Why did we sto-" before i could finish she shut me up.

"Shush, we have to hide!"

I didn't ask further questions and went along with BFF/N, the problem was that we were in the middle of the woods and the only thing that could hide us were trees.

We were behind the tree and I was sure BFF/N was messing with me so I spoke.

"No ones here, we're fine, let's get a move on." I turned to look at her and saw that she was knocked out cold.

Before I know it, I'm down there with her, my vision going all black.

Idiot count:0

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