Chapter 46- Proposition?

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~Y/N's POV~

I was so happy and confused when I saw BFF/N appear at the door, after all, I thought she was dead.

We hadn't even finished our hug when I heard a third voice in the room.

"Aw how adorable, yous are reunited, but not for long. Now get up, both of you."

I looked up and saw Rory in the doorway, he began walking forward until he was standing over us.

"come with me." He said, in his regular, emotionless voice.

BFF/N broke away from the hug and stood up to face him.

"We're not listening to you."

Rory raised an eyebrow and replied, "Oh really? What if I told you that my men have all of your friends, weaponless, I may add."

I stood up beside BFF/N whilst she was giving Rory a death stare. After a long silence BFF/N nodded her head and began walking out of the room, followed quickly by me and then Rory.

We were guided to a very small room and on the door it said 'interrogation room' is this a police station or something? We were half guided half shoved into the room and I heard the door lock behind us. I looked up and saw Taehyung and Tanner sitting on chairs. As soon as they saw us they both stood up. Tanner walked over to BFF/N and scolded her for leaving him. Tae slowly approached me and was about to speak when Rory's voice rang through the room. We all looked in the same direction and saw him in the room nextdoor, a glass window separating us.

"This wasn't how I wanted things to go but after seeing how much you love these girls I have a proposition... I want everyone to work for me in my gang or, you shoot BFF/N and Y/N."

My eyes widened and I looked at Taehyung, that's when I noticed that both him and Tanner were holding guns.

The room filled with silence and no one moved, you could here a pin drop. After a few minutes of silence Rory spoke again.

"Either you decide in the next 2 minutes or I'm shooting them myself."

I looked up at Taehyung again, I didn't wan't him to work in this stupid gang and I don't think BFF/N wanted Tanner in it either. Then, almost in unison, Taehyung and Tanner threw their guns on the floor.

"Fine, the east gang will work for your stupid gang." Taehyung said with a sigh.

"The North gang too." Tanner added.

I was about to speak up in protest when a new voice stopped me.

"Rory are you out of your mind!? You never said these idiots were going to join the gang! You said I get to make them walk the plank or something!" Ted shouted, appearing next to Rory "You know what..." He said, exiting the room.
A second later the door unlocked and Ted walked in, he picked up one of the guns from the floor.

"If they can't walk the plank, I'll shoot them instead." With one swift movement he lifted the gun and fired it, I heard a gasp of pain from BFF/N and she fell to the floor.

Tanner instantly picked up the other gun and shot Ted, but he was too late, Ted had already fired his next bullet.

I felt something hit me, did I get shot? It didn't hurt. I guess my brain just didn't have time to register the pain before I stumbled forward, into Taehyung's arms, lifeless. The last thing I heard was Tae shouting my name.


Idiot count- 1

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