Chapter 33- Mind Games

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I don't know how long I've been with this idiot, I was slowly going insane but I didn't let it show, I think I was driving Ted and the other idiot insane as well, good.

"So you see when I was a kid I was like so pretty, omg did I tell you the story when I was a princess?"

"Yes. You've said plenty of times but can you please tell me about the North gang luv?"

I've been dodging that question like a bullet, I wasn't going to expose anyone, the only thing I'm going to do is drive these people crazy.

"Oh god I'm so sorry! I forgot to tell you that.." I stalled a bit to get his hopes up to then crush them a few seconds later.

"I won a beauty pageant when I was 3 but I hated it, I wasn't into dresses, I like a leather jacket and I-" I couldn't finish because that's it, that's when I broke him.

"ENOUGH!" He shouted, it seemed more as like a scream for help to be honest. I knew I broke him and his patience, he made his way over to me very slowly.

"Listen here, if you're not going to tell us about the north gang then you're going to stay here as long as it needs to be, and we won't be all nice, your friend left you for dead and the north gang gave you away to us, don't cover for them."

It felt like a million thoughts were flying through my brain but not one could place what happened when I first ended up here, the last thing I remember is running into the forest with Y/N, I can't remember why though, I wish I could!

"You're a liar." I told him staring straight into his eyes, he chuckled lowly and opened his mouth to speak but one of his goons came in and whispered something in his ear. I couldn't hear what but it made him smile.

"The party is getting started." he said, looking straight over at me, I was very confused to say the least. Before I knew it he left, and all I was left with was my thoughts.

~Y/Ns POV~

(AN- I've just realised the chapter before this seemed to get deleted ;-;

Basically what happened was Y/N went looking for BFF/N in the rain and also got kidnapped by the West gang. I'm so sorry idk how it got deleted ;-; )

I woke up with a slight headache but I thought nothing of it, I looked around and realised I had no idea of where I was but I could remember what happened before I ended up here.

I was looking around the empty room when I heard a voice coming from the doorway.

"Well good morning sunshine." I looked up and realised that it was the guy from before, he was at the forest when I lost BFF/N...

"Why am I here? Where am I? Where's BFF/N?"

"Oh dear haven't you heard?" He looked confused but it seemed quite fake to be fair, me and BFF/N played fake or real whenever I was over at hers or vice versa, besides the point...

"No? What happened? Is she okay?!"

"Oh darling, she died."

Idiot count- 2

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