Growing Part 1

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Ag's POV:

"What is she doing to me?" I asked out loud. Avery and Soph, two of my best friends that I had been visiting with for about a week, shared a knowing look. 
"I don't know, but I'm not sure it's gonna end up well," Said Avery.
"Ag, I think you're falling hard for her."
"I know, Soph. I'm in some deep shit."

       All of this talk of a girl that I find amazing. More than amazing, in fact. Her name is Anna. Anna Shumate and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with her. At this moment I'm struggling to not watch her video for the hundredth time. It was a tease for not only me but our whole audience.

       You see, we're both popular creators on the app named Tiktok and we met because of it. Our audience "shipped" us, meaning they wished for Anna and I to be in a relationship. We had spent time together for different reasons, but this last time was different. This last time it's like I saw her in a different way. Don't get me wrong she has always been drop dead gorgeous and anyone would be a complete idiot to not see it, but I'm saying this trip I saw past the obvious outer beauty. I tried to see each and every detail of her personality and often caught myself studying her every move. I'm not sure if she noticed, but I'm also not sure if I even cared if she did.

       We had been making Tiktoks the whole week in a flirty manner and if I didn't know any better I would say she more than enjoyed it. But, alas, there is a major problem. She was straight and there seemingly wasn't anything I could do about it.

       I tried so hard to control and distance myself from my growing affections, but I couldn't deny that this girl had a hold on me and there was no slowing down. She had my heart but she didn't even know it.

Anna's POV:

"Omgggggg I ship so hard!!"
"If they don't end up together I'll die."

       These are just a few of the hundreds of comments I was casually scrolling through on my most recent post. I knew how to like and reply to certain ones in order to produce the desired reaction from my audience. I am such a tease. I put my phone down and headed to the bathroom. After returning with a freshly washed face my eyes lit up upon lifting my phone.

       There on the screen I saw "@banannagrace commented: "lemme be the cameraman next time" I felt a surge of different emotions consisting mainly of excitement with an underlying tone of apprehension. I replied to her in a teasing way. I don't know what to do with these thoughts I have I've never really felt them before even with my exes. They however were both males, which may have nothing to do with it, but Ag was a female and that's the part where I am completely and utterly confused. I was afraid of the growing attraction to her and I knew when my thoughts shifted from a place of friendship to a place of something more.

       It was the last trip when her and Mia visited me. It was so amazing and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of loss when she left. That trip is when we resumed our playful and lust filled posts back and forth. We were masters at showing just enough for our audience to be suspicious but also unsure of where Ag and I were relationship wise. Was it just a flirtatious friendship or perhaps a budding romance. And frankly I might be just as confused as our followers. I knew that I wasn't forthwith with my emotions even though I appeared bold online. You see I was never good at being affectionate, both physically and mentally, and have an extremely hard time sharing my true feelings with someone. Ag knew me enough to know that I was closed off. However, I'm not sure if she knew of my romantic feelings for her because I had identified as straight my whole life and had only dated boys before. I guess I'll have to find out what she really thought of me and if she even liked me. I also had to consider, if she did like me, would I be willing to sacrifice everything important in my life to be with her?

Ag's POV a day later:

       Two days. Two days until I see her. I'm so fucking nervous I can't stand it. I'm going to surprise Anna and the only one that knows is her mom. I told her that I wasn't able to see her until her grad party in August but that was all apart of my plan.

       I haven't physically seen her since we started posting all of our h word, which is a Tiktok way of saying horny, videos and even though I've FaceTimed or texted her every day I don't know how she really feels. Something does feel different than just a friendship but she's straight, right? I don't know. But as I'm sitting here packing my hands are shaking and my heart is beating so fast in anticipation and hopefulness. I can't help but feel like I'm going home even though I've been at my house for almost a week.

From the Author:
Hello! I am new to Wattpad so feel free to give me constructive criticism and I will take it into account. All of this work is my own, with that being said if anyone notices a strong resemblance to another story that was written earlier than mine, please please please point it out to me and I will do my absolute best to change it. I am in no way trying to steal anyone's ideas and claim them as my own. Thank you so much for reading and I hope you like my stories!

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