Growing Part 15

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Anna's POV:

Ag had to leave tomorrow and I couldn't be more upset. She has been out here wayyyy longer than originally expected because of my accident. Both of us were allowed to go to school in person, but I in college and Ag in high school. She was still working on being able to be emancipated but she hadn't seen her family in over a month. I was helping her pack all of her clothes back into her suitcase, she had been sharing my drawers with me.

"I'm going to be back as soon as I can, believe me."

"I know, I just wish we didn't live in different states. It would be a lot simpler if we lived closer."

"Welcome to the lesbian couple reality," she laughed.

"Can I take you out on a date now? You got your turn."

"I suppose you can," she winked at me.

Ag's POV:

I got into the drivers seat after helping Anna into the passenger seat, she was still nervous to drive and she had to worry about her big ass cast. "Where to?" I was really intrigued because she told me to wear nice clothes and she was in a skin tight dress, with flats of course. Not trying to break the other leg.

"I'll give you directions just go straight for a little bit."

After about 20 minutes of driving and jamming to my playlist, Anna turned down the music and told me to pull into a parking lot to a really nice looking restaurant. "Oh wow, just show me up then. We can make this a competition if you want. Just say the word and I'll go off."

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "Our first date was absolutely perfect. I just wanted to have a sit down meal before you left."

Once inside Anna gave her mom's name for the reservation because we weren't 18 yet. The hostess brought us to a secluded table for two. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Anna's POV:

The waiter, around 20 years old or so, introduced himself as Landon and asked for drink orders.

"Okay, so one lemonade, one cranberry juice," he closed his notepad, "Are you ladies from here?"

"Um I am but she lives in Kentucky, it's her last night here so I wanted to take her out."

"Oh so you are a couple?"

"Um yeah is there a problem?"

"No I just figured someone as pretty as you wouldn't swing that way."

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing, I'll be back in a minute with those drinks." He walked off and I was seething.

"He did not just ask that."

"Bub, it's ok sometimes people are stupid. Don't let it ruin the night, it just happens."

"You're right, he's a dumbass. Anyway, I have something for you."

"Anna you didn't need to get me anything, I didn't get you something."

"Here." I handed her a rectangular white box. She eyed me before opening it. Lifting the box open, she covered her mouth with her hand and I even saw tears beginning to form.

Ag's POV:

I stared at the silver bracelet inside. It was a Cuban chain with a plate that read:
I love you.
Thank you for saving me...
Always, Anna.

"Look at the lid." Anna said. I flipped the lid and on the inside there was a small piece of paper tapped on that said "be my girlfriend?" I looked at with the brightest smile and said "Of course, Anna. It took you long enough." We shared a kiss across the table and she helped me put my new bracelet on.

"It looks good on me."

"It sure does."

The waiter arrived with out drinks and saw us holding hands. "Do you know what you'd like to order?" We ordered and he had the audacity to say "Dykes." As he turned around.

"Hell no," Anna got up without her crutches. Oh no.

"What the hell is your problem?! We aren't bothering you!"

"Anna it's ok-"

"No the fuck it's not!"

"I just don't think it's natural. Maybe if you had a real man in your life show you a good time, then you'd be straight. You ever had dick before?"

Now it was my turn to be pissed. "What did you just say to her?" I slowly turned to him with fury blazing in my eyes.

"Maybe you're not pleasing her, that's why she's so angry. She's pent up."

I barely let the words leave his lips before I busted open his lip. He flew backward into another couples table spilling drinks. He got up and readied himself to swing back. I avoided his sloppy attempt punching him in the stomach.

"ENOUGH!" The manager screamed. "GET OUT OF MY RESTAURANT, NOW!"

"We weren't even the ones to do anything wrong are you serious?!" I yelled

"I don't care you need to leave."

"Anna let's go." We got out of the restaurant and made it into the car before I saw tears streaming down Anna's face. "What's wrong are you hurt?"
"Why can't we just be together without shit like that happening? It was supposed to be a beautiful night and now it's a shitshow."

"Bub, no." I scooter as close as I could to her and pulled her head to my chest. "Some people may see us differently. They will always try to make us feel like we're the scum of the earth just because we love who we love. But we can't let them win, okay?"

"It's just not fair..." she was sobbing.

"I know, love. It's not. Shhhhhh."

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