Growing Part 17

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Ag's POV:

       I've been back home for only three days and I want to see Anna more than I want to breathe. Of course I wanted to see her the second I stopped hugging her at the airport. The flight wasn't too long, but the farther away I flew the worse my anxiety got. I think I have separation issues and I'm just fine with that if it's cured by being close to her.

       My mom already, reluctantly, agreed to me getting emancipated I didn't tell Anna because I wanted to surprise her (it's pretty much my thing now). I would petition the court and then it would be official. I was determined to get back to Anna full time. The month that I had out there really taught me what it was like to live with her.

       I loved every aspect of it. Waking up next to her, drinking our morning coffee, doing our workouts together. Plus we would have more privacy once we had our own place, which we definitely needed. The downfall of this option was that I would have to wait a while for the process to be completely finished. Anna was moving into her dorm today so she'd be busy, but she promised to FaceTime when she was settled.

       One of my friends from school was coming over today, so I was getting ready to shower. I took off my bracelet that Anna gave me so I wouldn't ruin it, it's great quality I just wanted to be extra sure. I ran my thumb over the silver plate and smiled.

Anna's POV:

       I'm moving into my dorm room today and I'm really excited but I couldn't help but think if I was moving in with Ag. I missed her so much. This arrangement was going to be very hard, especially going from seeing her everyday and waking up next to her, to living apart in different states. I needed help with moving all my stuff in because I couldn't really lift anything with my crutches in the way so my mom, stepdad, and brother came to help. It was still really awkward with my stepdad, but he's amazing for not telling my mom about our run in.

       I had just said goodbye to my family when my roommate finally appeared. "Hey girl, I'm Taylor! Nice to meet you!" Her smile was so bright and inviting.

"Hi I'm Anna. Are you a freshman too?"

"Oh they didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Wellll, I joined this cool program where they put an upperclassman and a freshman together in the dorms. It's supposed to help the freshman get acclimated and the upperclassman get a chance to give back a little. I'm a junior."

"That's so cool. I'm glad I'll have someone to show me around a bit. What's your major?"

"Communications. What about you?"

"I'm communications too. You can tell me all about your favorite classes and professors to watch out for." We laughed. I felt like this was the start to an great friendship. After a while of unpacking, I pulled out my phone and posted a picture of Taylor and I on my story. Then I texted Ag.

Me: "heyyy bub are you able to FaceTime?"

Ag: "yeah beb just give me like 10 minutes❤️"

Me: "kk"

       Taylor was laying against the wall on her bed with her laptop up. Out of my last box I pulled my favorite thing out of all of the boxes that I had, a framed picture and Ag and I. She was smiling and I was kissing her cheek.

"Awe who's that?" Taylor asked.

"It's my girlfriend, Ag. She lives in a different state so I miss her a lot. She's also in her senior year of high school so she couldn't go with me."

"You guys look good together." She smiled but I thought I could sense the slightest twinge if something.

"We are, she's the reason I survived the accident that caused this," I gestured to my leg. "I was in a really bad car accident and she took care of me the whole time, I'm really lucky to be hers."

       She nodded wistfully. Just then my phone started buzzing, it was Ag FaceTiming me. I picked up quickly and put my AirPods in.

"Hiiiiii boonie!"

"Hiiiiii dummy!"

"Wow we really are the cutest couple there is. So how's the dorms? I saw you made a friend."

"They're really cool and yeah I did she's pretty chill," I looked at Taylor and smiled.

"So I know it's been literally three days but I need to see you again."

"I know I miss you so much." We talked for a while about random things and then I said good night with promises of talking tomorrow. I went to go wash my face and when I came back Taylor was laying tummy down on her bed.

"Hey! There's a party next Saturday, there's gonna be a lot of freshmen there. You in?"

"I guess so," I said nervously. It was gonna be my first college party and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

"It'll be so much fun. A lot of sororities and frats go to see some new prospects and there's drinking if you're into that."

"I've drunken a few times, not a lot though. I am getting my cast off in a couple days so I'll be able to move around more."

"There you go!" So it was planned I was going to my first college party in 6 days.

From the Author:

Hey guys!!! This part was a little slow but I promise it's definitely going to pick up in the next chapter. 👀

I also wanted to say thank you for all of the support and feedback I've been receiving I appreciate it more than I can express. I made a tiktok page for Growing it's under @itzzzskyee same as my Wattpad @. I'm going to start posting story updates on there. I would also appreciate it so much if you guys could @ Ag and Anna, I really really want them to read my story to see what they think. Again thank you so so so much and I hope you have a great night!!

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