Growing Part 5

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Ag's POV:

       I didn't know what to wear to this date that I suggested and I felt a little frustrated. I guess I'm gonna go pretty casual. What I planned was simple and I hoped Anna would like it. I told her to wear casual so it's final, I'm going to wear something slightly better than the sweats I usually wear. I can't wait to see Anna. We decided to get ready separately so we could be surprised. Since I don't wear make up I was ready before Anna and decided to wait in the living room for her.

       It was about 20 minutes by the time she walked out. I was looking at my phone and said "Okay, so your mom said we can take her car so I'll drive if that's-" I looked up at her and lost my train of thought and apparently my ability to form words. I just stared at her with my mouth half open. She was wearing a black spaghetti strap tight crop top, dark high rise cuffed jeans, white nike socks, forces and to finish it off she had a black belt with double silver notches (iykyk hehe).
"What? What's wrong?" She said alarmed.
"Um uh no- nothing you look so gorgeous. You know we have to leave the house right?"
"Ummm yeah obviously that's why I wore this. You don't like it?"
"NO! I mean no I love it like a lot. I'm just trying to take you out of the house not take your clothes off. But of course I want to take your clothes off all the time but this time is just insane. You look so sexy I don't know if I want to leave anymore," I said "I'm saying all of this wrong. What I meant to say is you look beautiful and I'm so excited for our date. Let's go."
"It's okay, bub, you're making me nervous too," she said with amusement in her voice and that ravishing smile.

       I opened the passenger door to her car for her and headed to the drivers side when she was in. "Are you not going to tell me what we're doing?"
"Nope it's a surprise."

And with that we were off.

Anna's POV:

       Wow. Ag looked amazing. She was always effortlessly attractive and stunning, but let's just say it's going to be more difficult than usual keeping my hands to myself. She was dressed in a navy blue short-sleeved button up tucked into semi-tight black jeans that she cuffed to reveal white socks and white slip-on vans. She also wore a brown leather belt. She didn't even need any makeup to accentuate her features, she was that flawless.

       Ag wanted to surprise me so I just went along with it cause I trust her. On the drive to where ever we were going, we talked about so many things including the recent sexual events.
"So like what is our plan? We don't live in the same state. I want to be with you all the time but what about when I start school?" I said.
"I've thought about it actually. Before I even knew if you liked me back," Ag laughed "I thought about getting emancipated and moving near MSU."
"Wow I guess the stereotype is accurate then. You're ready to Uhaul," I said while laughing.
"I mean we wouldn't have to live together if you weren't ready, but I figured since we already know each other and by the time you start school it'll be a couple months of us. I don't know we have some time to figure it out."
"I want to live with you," I actually shocked myself but it was true, I would live with her.
"Really?" She was nervous.
"Yeah. I actually love that idea. Of course we would have to figure out trying to get you emancipated. Would your parents let you?"
"I think so. I've been mostly independent for a while and making my own money. I would just do online school and graduate early. I have the credits to do it."
"Alright let's just see how we are we haven't even had our first date yet," I giggled and she smiled.
"We have like ten minutes left." A few minutes later she moved her right hand to my thigh with her left on the wheel and began rubbing her thumb up and down. I looked down at it and smiled. I was aware of my heart rate picking up and I couldn't help but think of one of my most known Tiktoks (the one with the "up, up, upity" sound hehe). She then, as if reading my mind, slowly started to move her hand up. I was practically panting. She stopped just inside my thigh close to my pelvis. I looked over at her with my eyes not moving me head. She wore the sexiest smirk I've ever seen.

"You're buzzing," she said.
"Hmm it's cause I know what those hands can do."
"Wow Boon, that was pretty bold."
"You're the one that made me h word. It's your fault."
        She suddenly removed her hand to turn onto a dirt road that I hadn't even known was there. After turning she looked over at me and saw my slightly disappointed look. "Don't worry bub we'll have plenty of time for me to show you how h word you make me. But first our date."

Ag's POV:

       I pulled to the side of the road near the small path that Anna's mom told me about. No one knew it was here supposedly and that's what I wanted. Privacy. Anna has an unsure yet intrigued look on her face. I looked at her and squeezed her knee, "You ready?" She nodded.

       I grabbed a bag out of the trunk and lead her down the trail. It opened up to a small lake with dock. "Wow. Ag it's beautiful. When did you find this?"
"Your mom told me about it. I guess nobody really knows it's here. C'mon."

       We walked out to the end of the dock where I pulled a blanket from the bag I brought and began setting up a small picnic. Once it was set I said,"It's not much cause I'm not a great chef or anything but."
Anna grabbed my hand and brought it to her lips, "It's perfect."

        We sat down and began to eat. We were talking about nonsensical things but the sexual tension was always there in the background. I finally said "Do you want to go swimming?"

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