Growing Part 44

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Anna's POV:

I woke up to the sound of the door opening and then Onvia's quiet, "Oh," followed by the door closing. I was so comfortable and I slept the best I've slept in a long time. Before opening my eyes I breathed in a familiar smell, Ag's cologne. She smelled the best, but I did get whiff of something unfamiliar. Puppy's breath. I smiled and opened my eyes to see Rue snuggled right next to my head on the pillow, her snout pointed directly at me. Her eyes were closed, she looked adorable. I was still touching Ag but we were spooning with her being the big spoon. I glanced down to realize I was naked and Ag was in just boxers and a sports bra. I hope Onvia didn't see anything. Upon my head movement, Rue opened her little eyes and looked at me then cocked her head to the side.

I reached my hand out to touch her and when she leaned in for me to rub behind her ear harder she rolled down off the pillow while still being on the bed. I tried and failed to stifle my laugh and Ag groaned and then half opened her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry bub, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep."

"No it's okay. What time is it?"

I located my phone and brought the screen up to my face. Oh wow. "It's 10:43, we slept for a long time."

"Yeah we did."

She kissed the back of my neck and her arms squeezed me to her. I moved my head to the side so she'd keep kissing my neck. Sleepy kisses were some of the best kisses. "Bub, you're still naked. You aren't cold?"

"No I had you and mcpuppy over here all night."

Ag picked her head up to look at Rue and laughed at her one ear up and the other down. "Mcpuppy?"

"Yeah, that's what everyone is calling her on my post."

I was scared to look at my comments on my last tiktok. They loved to tear me up. It's not like I could control the amount of followers, the likes, views or literally anything. It's so damaging to have to read all of the hate I get. I just posted a promo video I had to do for my management and I could see the hate coming from a mile away. I opened tiktok, went to my page, and opened my comments. I liked some of the ones from mutuals and then scrolled a little lower and saw the negative ones.

"CEO of Overhyped✅✨"

"Y'all hype this girl up way to much 💀"

"I'm not a "hater" but I'm still extremely confused about how she's so famous?😅"

I was big on social media and that's what I'm pursuing as a job, but that doesn't mean I'm not a person. I still have feelings and as most of my audience knows I try to read all of my comments. After seeing so many of the bad ones it makes me not want this life anymore. It drains me and makes it so hard to stay positive. I'm just so over it. The tears sprung to my eyes despite my repeated attempts at soothing them. I just want to be good enough that's what I've fought for my whole life and then I find a platform that used to be positive and see it turned into a place where I'm constantly comparing myself to others. It's exhausting. I tried to discreetly wipe my tears but Ag caught on.

"Bub! What's wrong?" She moved so I would face her.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said.

"Anna... please just tell me. I'm here to help you."

"They're just mean comments. I don't know why I'm crying. I get them a lot."

"Let me see." I handed her my phone and watched as her face grew more and more angry with every scroll.

"This isn't fucking okay. What the fuck? Bub, you aren't overrated. Don't listen to these fucktards."

"I try but it's all the time. I just— I don't know."

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