Growing Part 20

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Ag's POV:

We made it to my car when Anna spoke up. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not," she touched my face making me look at her. "There's so much blood, we should clean it up."

"I'm okay let's go, I don't want to be here anymore."

"I can't drive and you won't be able to with all of this mess. We have to clean you up."

       I looked down at myself. I had blood on my grey tank top and my knuckles were raw and bloody. My nose was probably broken, so I consented. "I have an old shirt in the back seat we can use and here's a water bottle. I grabbed the bottle that had been in my cup holder for a few weeks. It's probably not sanitary, but I didn't care I wanted to leave. She found the shirt and wet it with the water, swaying slightly the entire time. Her pupils were so relaxed but I could see a small rim of the beautiful blue that I loved to endlessly stare at. She had the type of eyes that every time you looked into them you could find something new.

       She didn't mean it and she told off Taylor. I have to trust her, I just do.

Anna's POV:

       I was so tired, but worried for Ag so I stayed awake and the way to my mom's house. Ag, of course didn't want me to go back to the dorms and I didn't either. I just kept seeing the hurt in Ag's face every time I looked at her. It killed me. I know she wasn't going to easily talk about it because she doesn't easily open up to people about what's bothering her. She just keeps it bottled until she explodes. Maybe I should've been clearer with Taylor. I truly never thought I was leading her on at all, I talked about Ag so much. I even thought I was over doing it. I don't know it doesn't make sense. She was drunk but definitely not as drunk as I was, but maybe alcohol makes her more forward.

       I looked at Ag driving. Only the sound of the barely audible radio was playing through the deafening silence. Usually we never had a problem with uncomfortable silences but this time was different. I felt the need to explain myself, but I don't think I did anything wrong.

"Hey," I reached for her hand resting on the median.

"I don't even remotely like her, let alone have feelings for her. I only love you. She kissed me and I told her that I wasn't interested. I told her that I loved you, bub."

       She briefly looked at me before returning her eyes to the road. "I know, I heard you. I love you too." She gave me a small smile. I was content with that answer for the time being because my eyelids were so heavy and sleep was calling my name.

Ag's POV:

Anna fell asleep or passed out, I don't know. I went to her side and picked her up into my arms, carefully trying not to simultaneously not get any blood on her or wake her up. It was quite the ordeal. Once safely inside her room, I took a quick shower to wash the blood off and get new clothes. My nose was very swollen and I could tell it was broken. The bruising has begun to already start and creep down into my eye sockets. I lightly touched it and a shooting pain echoed through my skull. I had a splitting headache already and I felt nauseous, but Anna was still in her dress and shoes.

       I went to her and sat on the edge of the bed. She was so gorgeous all the time, but now she looked angelic. The peaceful, relaxed facial features not marred by any fear, doubts or worry. I know she struggled with trust and commitment but she has done so amazing with us. We still she to work on communication on a deep level, but that's on me too. I'm not one to be so direct with my feelings.

       That stupid kiss and touching kept replaying through my head and I think that's what was causing my nausea. Tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of losing Anna to someone else. My world. Maybe I wasn't enough for her. She needed something else that I couldn't give her. What was it though? What was I not offering? I rested my head in my hands trying to stop the tears plaguing my vision. I love her so much and I don't know if I'd make it out if she left me. I have to trust her though. I mean I heard her reject Taylor, so why am I so scared?

       I sat there for maybe half an hour longer just processing the past few weeks with her accident, and then the months since I had met Anna. I shook my head and realized I should change her. "Anna?" I gently shook her shoulder. "Bub you have to wake up so you can change into comfortable clothes."

"Mmmm." She moaned and moved. I shook her again and her eyes opened. "Hey, I know you."

       She was still drunk. "Yeah, and I know you. Can you get up to change please?"

"What are you trying to do McDaniel? Hmmm?"

"You just need to change come one."

       I handed her one of my shirts cause I knew she loved wearing them along with shorts. She attempted to unzip her dress but she was too inebriated so I moved her hair to the side and unzipped it. She stumbled through getting dressed and almost fell when she legged her legs into the shorts.

       Once she was done, I said "Come to bed now." She crawled in next to me and nestled into her usual spot under my arm with her head on my chest.

"You're heartbeat is so nice," she mumbled. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight, bub."

(Part 20 Rewrite)

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