Growing Part 42

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Anna's POV:

"Oh my god, what happened?!" Onvia wet a washcloth and came over to me. She began to carefully dab at my lip while Ag explained.

"You remember Maddie right?"

She looked at Ag with a clear look of disdain, "Yes..."

"Well she officially went insane and said she had stuff on me so Anna met up with her to figure it out. Then they ended up fighting." She looked over at me and smiled "But don't worry, you should see how Maddie looked. Anna rocked her shit."

I tried to hold in my laughs while Onvia still helped me. After a little bit all the dried blood was cleaned up and it wasn't oozing any new blood. Ag was in our old room to deal with my "surprise" I guess.

"Alright sweetie, I think we're all good. I don't think you need stitches it's not bleeding anymore."

"Yeah, thank you so much by the way. You didn't have to do this."

"Oh nonsense, you're family." She paused for a second concentrating on putting the strip down. "You've made my daughter the happiest I've ever seen her. You also stuck around when you didn't even owe it to her. I will never forget that." She finished and looked back at me. "I hope you know how special you are to not only her, but to me to."

I looked at her with tears welled up in my eyes. It was beyond comforting hearing all of this from Ag's mom. Mine had become indifferent. I hugged her and said "I love both of you so much. I really need you guys in my life."

Ag walked out to us hugging and looked slightly confused but also happy. A playful smile traced her lips. "Am I interrupting a heart-to-heart?" She laughed at her own joke, which was the cutest thing ever might I add. Onvia said she'd be outside to leave us two alone for the surprises.

"You're goofy," I laughed, carefully as to not make my lip break open again.

"Are you ready to see your surprise?"

"Yes, even though you didn't have to get me anything."

"Oh shut up, you'll love it I hope. I'm going to bring out one thing at a time, okay?"

"How many things did you get??"

"No comment. Now close your eyes."

I obeyed. A moment later I heard Ag return and she said to open my eyes. She was holding an all white big gift bag and a beautiful bouquet of flowers with all of my favorite flowers. She placed the flowers on the counter next to me and the bag on my lap. I had a huge smile when I pulled out the tissue paper and looked down into the bag.

"No you didn't, Ag. How did you even get these?? And those are amazing! This?! I love this hoodie!" I was so excited I had been looking for these shoes everywhere but I had the hardest time finding them.

"I called around. So you like them?"

"Of course! They're so sick. The flowers are beautiful and I'm never taking this hoodie off. Thank you so much, bub!" I got up and hugged her, she kissed my cheek.

"There's more, bub, so wait here again." She said with her arm around me and hand still on my lower back. I moved back, removing my arms from the back of her neck.

Next she walked out with 2 smaller boxes. "I want you to open this one first, okay?"

I nodded and lifted the lid. There was a string attached to it that lifted up a carousel of sorts that had all kinds of pictures of Ag and I on it. The majority of them were snaps we took together and others were screenshots of lives we did, some from our friends. All of the best pictures were there right when I opened the box.

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