Growing Part 9

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Anna's POV:

       How did I end up here? I was laying on the kitchen floor with blurry vision. I ran through what I remembered: I was with my friends, we were laughing and hanging out, then I was crying, screaming, and Ag. I told her to leave. Why did I do that? She was mad at me for blowing her off and hanging with Matt. She overreacted but so did I in telling her to leave instead of just handling it. I said "We aren't even official." To her. Why did I say that I didn't mean it, I never wanted to hurt her. Then she said she loved me, she said she loved me even after I said that to her. Why didn't I say I love you back? I sure as hell loved her more than life itself.

       This feeling was similar to the time I got drunk. Worse than being drunk, I felt so incapacitated, so broken. My mom wasn't here so she couldn't stop me, she was going to be angry. I did not give a shit. I didn't care about anything right now.

       You know what? I need to get Ag before she leaves, because if she leaves then I'll never see her again. I slowly got up on uncertain legs and spinning vision and reached for the car keys.

Ag's POV:

       I love her so much and she turned me away. I deserved it. She had a right to be angry at me, but so didn't I? She disregarded our relationship and then told me "We aren't even official." Yeah okay maybe we aren't but this wasn't some fling, at least not for me. I thought the world of this girl, I still do! But did she feel the same? The biggest problem I have is being able to trust people. I've had way to many things happen to me to make me this cautious. I wanted to let my walls down and be insecure with Anna. I was already sharing more with her than I've shared with anyone else.

       I had too much time to think in this nearly empty terminal. I checked my phone and realized I had two and a half hours left until I could start boarding. I'm going to try to put Anna out of my mind and sleep. Sleep could cure all things heartbreak, right?

Anna's POV:

       Driving clears my mind. I do it when I need to work something out in my head. This time however, I couldn't think or even see clearly. The lines all blurred together and I kept swerving away from oncoming cars. Ag left and I need to get her. Ag left and I need to get her. Where'd she go? Where am I? Is that her?

       Then all I saw were bright headlights and then nothing.

Ag's POV:

       I woke up disoriented feeling my phone buzzing in my lap. I lifted it and saw that it was Anna's mom.


"Yeah? What's wrong? I'm really sorry how I left."

"Anna was in an accident."

"Wait what? What do you mean she was in an accident?? Is she okay?!" My heart dropped.

"They have to airlift her to the hospital..." she sobbed "I don't know if my baby's alive."

       I felt sick to my stomach and could feel my chest tightening. No no no no. This isn't real, you're dreaming.

"Ag?! Are you still there?"

"Um yeah yeah I'm here."

"I'm going to send you the hospital get here as soon as you can. For the love of God be safe." She sounded so panicked.

       I hung up and immediately called for an Uber. It seemed like it was going in slow motion yet sped up at the same time. I don't know how long I waited for the Uber but it finally got there and I told the driver where I was headed. She's going to be okay. She has to be, I love her and we haven't had enough time. We needed time. I love her.

Anna's POV:

       Flashing blue and red lights. Sirens. People everywhere. "Miss do you know your name?" Questions so many questions.

"We're gonna have to call for an air ambulance."

"She's going into shock!"

       All I felt was pain and then none at all. I saw an extremely bright light and I felt cold.

"Charging!... clear!"
From the Author:

Predictions for the next chapter?

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