Growing Part 31

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Anna's POV:

       Damn it, why couldn't we just have 2 cars? We hadn't brought down Ag's car yet since we were going to Kentucky soon anyway. This Uber driver is taking his sweet time and is awfully chatty. I wanted to tell him to shut up and drive, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Finally, after a painstakingly long drive, we pulled into the police station. I headed inside to get my Ag back. 

Ag's POV:

"How's your head?"

"Huh?" I turned around and saw a girl in black shorts and a white shirt with red suspenders.

"Sweetheart, you were so out of it that you took a nosedive and hit your head. I'm the owner, my name's Jenn, and live in the apartment above. I figured you could stay here until the morning."

"I came here by myself? No one else came with me?"

"Well from what I heard you came in and met up with a girl. She ordered a bunch of drinks and you got hammered. I wasn't in last night until around closing time and my people told me what happened with you. They didn't card you so I didn't know you were underaged."

       Anna wasn't with me and now I'm going to have to explain what the hell happened when I don't fully know. I located my phone in my pocket and tried turning it on to find out it was dead.

"I think I should go, I need to get home."

"Are you sure you're good to drive? I have a few employees here and we don't open for a while."

"Um yeah maybe I shouldn't drive."

"Whitney! Can you come out here?"

       One of the waitresses followed us in her car while Jenn drove mine. I had to think of the people I knew in Michigan. It was a very small list: Anna, Anna's family, and... oh damn. Shit, I hope that's not who I was talking to, I would have to explain to Anna why I was there and with her.

"So you said I talked to a girl, what did she look like?"

"She left you right after I got there. She was shorter than you of course, black hair, pretty, brown eyes—"

       I cut Jenn off, "Could you see if she had a tattoo on her wrist? Roman numerals, did she have a Roman numeral tattoo?"

"Yeah actually she did, you know who she is?"

"Oh fuck, that's my ex. When I was with her we used to do shit like this all the time."

"Like you would get shitfaced when you were with her?"

"Yeah and other things. But I won't go back though."

       We finally got home and I prepared myself to head in and face Anna.

Anna's POV:

       Ag was missing and the police said they couldn't do anything until she had been gone for 24 hours. Jesus what help they are. I had been back home for about 20 minutes even though it felt like 20 years. Ag's mom and Mia had both called me and I told them what's going on. At this point I don't know if she's okay and my anxiety is telling me it's bad. My nails were bitten down as far as they could go and my knees were restless. I heard a car pull in to our spot and recognized the familiar sound of the motor. I jumped up and ran outside to see Ag standing next to a woman in... a waitress uniform? I was stunned so I didn't move or say anything. Ag was in the clothes she wore to our date and she looked rough as she met my eyes. The woman nodded at me and went in the other car I didn't see until then. Ag started walking to me and my mind finally caught up to my body as a ran into her arms.

"What the fuck happened?? Where have you been?!" My voice a shrill shriek of emotion.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry."

       I was shaking and started sobbing. Relief flooded my chest but also concussion.

"You have no idea what you've made me think, Ag. No idea. Your mom and Mia and all of our friends think you're fucking in a ditch somewhere. I thought I lost you!" I pushed away from her chest and wiped my tears. I needed an explanation and I needed it now. "You are going to tell me exactly where you've been and why, right now."

"I know, come on let's go inside."

       We walked inside and I wrapped myself in a blanket as we sat on the couch.

"So, I don't remember what fully happened but I woke up this morning in a bar. The girl that dropped me off was the owner. She said that I was there and got drinks and then um..."

"Um what? What is it?"

"I think I talked to Maddie."

       My eyes grew wide and my heart dropped. "Your ex Maddie?"

"Yeah, nothing happened."

"How the fuck do you know if something happened, Ag?! You can't even remember how you got there. And why were you getting drunk anyway. I just don't understand any of this at all. It doesn't make any fucking sense."

"I know, I know. I know I had issues before with her and that's why I don't drink anymore."

"I— I can't even really look at you right now. You come home after more than 12 fucking hours of being gone and all you have to say is that you got drunk and talked to your fucking ex that was so bad for you and that you don't know what else happened! Do you know how fucking ridiculous you sound?!"

"I get it, but also I can't have any time where I can be without you though?"

"You have to kidding me you can't be seriously saying that."

"Anna, I said I'm sorry what else do you want me to say? I can't change what happened."

       I looked at Ag with so much confusion and hurt. This wasn't the Ag I knew or fell in love with. I knew something had to be off. She would never disregard my feelings like that. I knew we needed to talk more, but maybe she's still intoxicated and needed to sleep it off more.

"You know what, go lay down and sleep. We need to talk when you're sober and yourself. I can't believe you right now."

       What is going on with her and why is she acting like this? I hope to God after she's sober I can figure this out.

From the Author:

       Was it what you thought? You might have more questions that you did before and you'll find out soon enough.👀 Also, I have no idea if Ag has an ex named Maddie or whatever I'm just using that name for the story.

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