Growing Part 37

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Anna's POV:

       The way that this feels so natural is comforting but also alarming at the same time. She loves me and god did I miss this. Not just the sexual aspect of it, that was a bonus, but being close to her. Being able to feel the heat radiating off of her body, the sweet smell of her hair. I had no idea how touch deprived I was until I felt her hands at my waist and lips on my neck. I felt her suck a hickey and then another one. I moaned and then Ag shot up off of me.

"Wait, Anna we can't be doing this right now. I just got back and we haven't even really talked that much, especially about what we even are. If there's even a "we" or "us." I need to make sure I'm solid before I jump right back into this."

       I think the oxygen finally made it to my brain because then I was hit with a clarity I hadn't had since seeing Ag again. She needed to put herself and her recovery first just like I had to put myself first too. We needed to make sure we were physically healthy yes, but more importantly mentally and emotionally. We couldn't start this off with toxic behavior or else it would end for sure and with one or both of us ruined.

"You're right, this isn't healthy. I'm sorry, I kinda jumped on you."

"It takes two Anna, it's alright we just can't let it happen again. We need to slow everything down and take as much time as we need. This is new for us, let's feel it out."

       We walked back into the living room and I glanced down at the floor at our crumpled clothes and laughed. "We always made a mess when we did this."

"Yeah, our beautiful mess," she said.

       Ag smiled warmly and I bent down to grab our clothes. Once we were dressed again I said, "I should probably go, I have a shit ton of homework and you need to settle in. Also, I think it's best if we see each other in small doses for now."

"Yeah, I agree. I missed you so much, you know."

"I miss you too, bub." I called her bub so naturally. It just rolled off my tongue without a thought. Just as I smiled wryly I heard the front door open and a sweet voice.

"Ag, sweetie, where are you?" Onvia, Ag's mom appeared in the living room and her smile turned to surprise. "Anna?" She was confused.

"Hey Mom. I asked Anna to come over so I could formally apologize like my program said to. She actually has to go now though." Ag was trying to help me.

"Hello it's so nice to finally meet you," I walked over to her as she opened her arms for a hug with a bright smile strikingly similar to Ag's.

"You too honey. I can't believe it's taken this long," she said.

       She asked a few small talk questions before Ag intervened and helped me. She walked me to my car while her mom was inside.

"I'm sorry about that I thought she would be gone longer."

"It's really okay. I love her, she's so sweet and you can tell how much she loves you."

"Yeah I really got lucky with getting her as my mom."

"Yeah you did..." silence again, but comfortable silence like we used to have. "I'll see you soon, then?"

"Yeah of course. Anna, thank you for listening even though you didn't have to."

"I had to. I couldn't have just left."

       She nodded and then said after a moment's hesitation, "I love you."

"I... I love you."

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