Growing Part 8

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Anna's POV:

Well that went bad fast. I knew that she had a right to be upset but I also felt like she didn't. I needed to come out on my own time. But whatever I'm not ready so I'm not going to. We can hang out with my friends but I don't know if I'll tell them about her and I. I just don't want to think about it.

I didn't feel hungry anymore but I knew I had to eat, so I loaded up my plate. It was really good, I'd have to make her cook more often.

Later after we had both gotten ready, I told Ag that we were going to a park to hang out with my friends. We had barely said anything to each other but as we got closer to the park Ag's mood got better and she actually seemed like she was over this morning's argument. We pulled into the parking lot and got out heading for the basketball courts.

Ag's POV:

Anna agreed to take me to meet her friends. I was in a bad mood since this morning but it showed itself through me being quiet instead of my usually bright self. I realized I should just let it go and have fun. I only had two more days after all.

I was driving and I held Anna's hand out of habit. We parked and I went to Anna's side to walk beside her. I could see a group of people around our age and recognized some faces as Anna's friends. I went to grab her hand like I had done countless times and she sort of shrugged me off without outright rejecting me. "Oh sorry bub. I forgot." She smiled at me.

"It's ok."

I didn't want to take it too seriously and respect her previous wishes but there was still a nagging hurt in the back of my mind. Rejection. I had known that cruel foe all to well. But this was Anna. She wasn't going to do that to me. Calm down Ag. It's really not a big deal, she hasn't come out yet. Leave it alone. So I took a deep breath and kept walking.

We made it to her friends and Anna said "Hey guys!" She gave everyone hugs. "This is my friend Ag she lives in Kentucky. We met because of Tiktok."

Ouch. Friend.

"Hi guys it's so good to meet you. I've heard a lot of good things."

The day went on and I had to repeatedly fight the urge to touch Anna more than a "friend" would. I hadn't had to be so uptight around her ever, even since first meeting her. It put me on edge but I pretended I was doing fine. One of her guy friends asked to talk to her alone and I had to swallow the vulgar words before they had a chance to fly out.

I couldn't hear what they were talking about but I could read their body language. I watched as her facial expressions went from laughing to serious. Then he reached his hand to her arm caressing the skin there. She didn't immediately pull away. She said something to him and he pulled his hand away but he held a hopeful smile. What in the hell is going on? They walked back over to the rest of us and I kept catching him trying to flirt with Anna throughout the day.

Eventually it came the time to leave. Anna and I got in the car and drove home. The whole car ride was silent. The tension was palpable and with every breath I struggled to keep my anger at bay.

We walked through the front door and went to her room. "So did you have fun?" She asked.


"Did something happen? Why are you mad?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me if anything happened?" I huffed "You and Matt (from the author: I don't know if there's really a Matt in Anna's life I just used the name.) seemed awfully happy."

"Ag really? You're gonna be like this? I didn't know I wasn't allowed to have guy friends."

"It's not that you're not allowed to have guy friends but when you completely brush me off the whole night and then he talks to you alone and you guys come back all giggly and flirty is where I have a problem."

"It's not like that. Don't you trust me?"

"What did he say to you?" I paused and waited "Hm?" I raised my eyebrows.

"It's not even important."

"It is to me. What did he say?"

She looked annoyed but also nervous "He said that he had a crush on me since freshman year and he always wanted to ask me out but was too nervous to." He wouldn't look at me. "Then he asked me out on a date."

"And what did you say back?"

"I told him that I would think about it."

"What the actual fuck Anna? You said you'd think about it?! Are you kidding me?!"

"What?! It's not even that bad."

"But what about us?! Do we mean nothing?"

"We aren't even official."

"Wow." I stepped back and a wave of pain washed over me. Tears were threatening to spill over. "I can't believe you. Do you not like me or something?? Just tell me now ok?!" My voice was rising. "Actually you know what? It's too late because I already love you!"

"You what?" Her eyes showed alarm.

"You heard me, Anna. I love you." A singular tear drug it's way down my pained face dropping to its ultimate death on the carpet.

"I- I-..." she couldn't say anything and instead just stood there with a shocked expression.

"Okay," I nodded "I've heard all I need to. Maybe we just need to go our separate ways I guess," I said while wiping my tears.

"No Ag, stop don't leave please."


She looked at me with so much hurt in her eyes I knew I instantly regretted my words. "Wait, I'm sorry Anna I di-"



"LEAVE GODDAMMIT AG!" She was sobbing. "I don't want you here don't you get that?!"

I stood there for a second with my mouth half open, staring. I turned and gathered my stuff in my bags. I had called an Uber while packing and it's showed that it arrived. I wanted to say I'm sorry again and maybe try to convince Anna to let me stay but I couldn't find her. Was I really about to leave? Yeah maybe that's what we needed right now.

It was dark as we drive to the airport and I cancelled my later flight in exchange for one tomorrow morning. I'd have to sleep at the airport but that's fine. I felt like complete shit right now, I'm such an ass. I wanted to pull my heart out and stomp on it.

From the Author:
Wow. This wasn't a fun chapter to write😭 I want to know your thoughts on their reactions to each other. Do you think Ag overreacted? Should she leave? What about Anna? I know that Ag might seem a little immature in this instance and that'll matter later😉

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