Growing Part 2

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Anna's POV:

I yawned and stretched my arms above my head lightly skimming my headboard, I smiled to myself. That headboard had been an adored star in my latest h word videos and best of all Ag seemed to love it. It was our little joke.

I got up and prepared to head to my dad's house. My mom came into my room and said, "Good morning hun. You're dad called, he's really sick with the stomach flu and he said he didn't want you to catch it. You are going to stay here for the weekend and see him next week. I'm sorry."
"It's ok I kinda actually wanted to just chill and relax this week anyway," I said, "I'm going to shower anyway, I'll see you in a bit."
"Alright hun see you in a bit."

Ag's POV:

When I was waiting for my bag at baggage claim, I let my mind explore the possibility of Anna and I. Let's just imagine that she did like me, just for a minute. What would that look like? She was already going to MSU for college and I still had my senior year left for school so I couldn't go with her to college. I did part of my junior year online so I would still do that, but I wasn't 18. I couldn't legally live without a parent or guardian unless I got emancipated. There's an option. I could get emancipated and move near MSU. I had a way of making money but if they didn't accept social media, then maybe I would get a job and do online school. Then maybe, just maybe we could be together.

But this was all a what if and I had to get my bag and go. After a few minutes of waiting, I saw my Uber pull up and gave him Anna's address. Surprisingly, she was only about 45 minutes away from the airport. I was on my way to her and I couldn't be more excited but also I couldn't be more terrified of rejection.

Anna's POV:

After I showered and dried my hair, I was sitting at my mirror putting my mascara on when my mom walked in my room again. She just smiled warmly at me. "What?" I said.
"I'm proud of you, you know. I really am and I hope you know that I love you so much."
"I love you too, Mom," I cautiously said. "What brought this on?"
"Nothing. I just love you."
"You're not the best liar you know, there's something you're not saying."
"Alright but I just don't want you to have to do something you don't want to do if you're not ready." She said and I noticed a little moisture gathering along her waterline.
"Mom what's going on? You're starting to scare me."
"Fine. I'm just going to outright ask you," she paused waiting for my response but I stayed quiet. "Anna, do you like your friend Ag, as more than a friend?"
My heart jumped into my throat and I suddenly couldn't breathe. With tears springing to my eyes I lowered my head into my hands. "I think I do. No, I know I do" I looked up at her, "I just don't want you to be disappointed in me, or Dad either. I'm confused but I'm certain of one thing: I am certain of Ag. She is who I think of when I'm supposed to be focused on school stuff. When I score a goal I look to the sidelines for her approval only to find that she's not there. At all hours of the night I lose sleep over the fact that I'm not with her. I- I just..." I trailed off, choking down sobs.
"Oh Anna, I'm not disappointed in you. I'm proud of you and I want  to learn with you about all of this. Im sure your dad feels the same way." She pulled me into a deep hug and for the first time that I can remember I knew she was actually proud of me and my choices for once in my life, which was surprising.

I pulled away and wiped my face she smiled at me and said "Let's go on a quick drive just to get out."
"Ok let me get my shoes."

Ag's POV:

According to Maps I was only 5 minutes away. I'm so ready to see her, I hope she would be excited to see me. These five minutes are taking so long. Just then a text from Anna's mom lit up on my screen: "I'm taking her on a drive for about 20 minutes. Is that good?"
Me: "yeah that's perfect thank you for doing all of this it really helps"
Her: "Anything for you two❤️"

I looked up and we were pulling into Anna's driveway. I gathered my stuff and grabbed the key where Anna's mom left it. I began to hurriedly set up what I had for Anna's surprise.
From the Author:
Hello! I hope you liked part 2 of Growing! I know a lot of people like to put pictures, videos, or songs to help the readers get into it. I really like this idea so I decided to do that for this part and whichever parts it fits with. I'm sorry that it's going pretty slow but I promise within the next couple parts there will be major major h word hours. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!
(P.S. Shout out to the movie After for the song choice😂)

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