Growing Part 12

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Anna's POV:

Why do I feel like I'm choking? What is going? I can see multiple faces over me and can hear snippets of sentences. "...calm down... you're going to be okay... don't fight it." I tried to take a deep breath I started coughing heavily.

"You're fine, Anna. Just breathe." I didn't recognize this voice. My eyes darted to an unfamiliar face hovering over me. "Hello, my name is Dr. Monroe. I operated on you last night. You were in pretty bad shape. You are not be able to speak for a little bit so just stay calm and try to not fight the tube for me, okay? You're not quite ready to breathe on your own yet."

It was so hard to focus now because of the wave of pain that flooded my every thought. I felt it everywhere, even behind my eyes down to my toes. After the initial frantic movements of all the doctors and nurses, I heard Dr. Monroe ask to speak to, I'm assuming my mother although I didn't see her.

"Anna?" I felt I touch to my hand. I pulled my head toward the soothing voice, it was her. She looked so worn down with dark circles and sunken cheeks, but she was gorgeous.

Ag's POV:

I watched as they checked Anna's intubation tube. The adrenaline was pumping because I saw her struggling to breathe, but they managed to calm her. After the doctors left and they took Anna's mom out of the room, I reached for her. She needed to know someone was there with her.


She slowly turned to me with glazed over eyes and just looked at me. The doctor said she might not be able to talk right away because of the tube so I should keep her calm. I watched as a tear let loose from her half opened eye. I wiped it from her face and held my hand there. "I love you and I'm not going to leave," I whispered "You just need to focus on getting better. I will carry the rest." Her eyelids closed. She was exhausted from all the trauma and the drugs that were coursing through her veins. I wanted her to rest it was what she needed. I kissed her forehead and headed out to speak with Anna's mom and the doctor.

"Like I said this was a really good sign that she was waking up on her own. The fact that she opened her eyes is amazing. The next step is to hopefully get that intubation tube removed so she can breathe on her own. With a collapsed lung it could take a little bit especially since we need to make sure she isn't continually bleeding. To be honest with you, she was a miracle case. We didn't know if she'd make it. The amount of trauma, not only her body but her brain, endured was intense. Until we can get her to breathe by herself, we'll sedate her for her comfort." He turned to me "While you were in there did she make any other movement?"

"Yeah, I told her I was there then she moved her head to me and a tear came out of her eye, then she closed them and fell back asleep."

"That's amazing. She responded, albeit slightly, to someone speaking to her. I would say that she needs to have as much interaction with you and her mother so she can have the best recovery."

"She's in the clear now?" Anna's mom asked.

"I can't promise anything, but it's looking hopeful. She is a fighter and she has good people around her."

We thanked him and he left. Anna's mom turned to me "We have her back."

I smiled for what felt like the first time in years and nodded. We shared a mutual embrace of relief.

Anna's POV:

I was asleep again. These dreams were something else. There were so many colors and weird things that my brain was making up. I was so over it, I just want to be awake and living. Not trapped in my own body. But I did get to see Ag, at least I think I did. She said my name and held my hand. It wasn't enough I wanted more, but this is what I was stuck with for the time being.

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