Growing Part 7

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Ag's POV:

We watched the sunset and left. Once we got home I suddenly thought of something. "Anna?"


"How come we haven't hung out with any of your friends the whole time I've been here?"

"I don't know. I thought maybe you didn't really care to see them. I kinda wanted to keep you to myself," she smiled but I felt a weird vibe from her.

"Okay I get that. Can we hang out with them at least one day while I'm here? I haven't really met any of them."


It was really weird. She was saying short words and didn't seem excited like I would expect. I was tired and I knew she was too. She was fighting sleep the whole drive over to her house. So I decided to just leave the subject alone until tomorrow.

"Baby do you want to shower?"

"Ag do you even know me?"

"What? What did I do?"

"Baby?" She looked at me expectantly.

"Oh shit sorry. I forgot you hated that word," I said while laughing. She rolled her eyes and smiled tiredly. I suggested we go to bed and she said that she wanted to watch a movie. She ended up falling asleep laying on top of me with her head on my belly. I stroked her hair and whispered "I love you." I know she was asleep and didn't hear me but I just needed to say it. I wanted to say it out loud but did she love me? I don't know if I could take the rejection of her not saying it back. I didn't want to scare her away. We weren't even girlfriends despite me desperately wanted to be. I wanted to ask her but I was scared of rejection with that as well.

I slide out from under her and picked her up from the couch. I nuzzled her head under my chin and I kissed her head as I took her to her room. We went to bed with us entangled together.

Anna POV:

Oh my god oh my god. I could've been dreaming right? Like she didn't really say that. It was my mind playing tricks on me. I was barely awake. I couldn't deny it though. Ag said she loved me. She thought I was asleep and she whispered it to me.

I don't completely know how I felt about it. I know that I had strong feelings for her. Really strong, but did I love her? The answer didn't really take more than a millisecond to come to me. Yes, I loved her. We weren't even girlfriends technically. We were doing all the things that people in a relationship did but we didn't even have our first date until last night. Andddd there's also the fact that the only one who even knows that I'm with Ag, let alone a girl, is my mom. I haven't even told my dad yet. Hell Mia doesn't even know we're a thing. I'm scared to tell any of them. It's not that I'm ashamed of Ag I just have no idea how they're all going to react.

Should I tell her that I heard her, or would that just embarrass her. Maybe she told me while I was sleeping because she didn't know if she meant it. Okay so I won't say it to her until she says it out loud to me.

It was morning and Ag wasn't in the room. Was she showering? No I didn't hear the shower running. Mmmm then it hit me. I could smell something amazing coming from the kitchen. I got up, brushed my teeth and headed down. The sight I saw before me was just... wow. Let me just say 🤰. Ag was in a black sports bra and boxers with her hair in a low bun. She was facing the stove and hadn't heard me come into the kitchen and I could barely hear music coming from her AirPods. I decided to mess with her.

I quietly crept towards her then grabbed her waist and screamed. Her reaction was everything that I ever needed and more. She jumped so high and spun around screaming. I'm shocked she managed to keep the food on the stove without spilling.

"Omfg Anna! You scared the shit out of me! Holy shit!" Her eyes were wide and she was wielding the spatula in a defensive posture. I was laughing so hard that I needed to grab the counter to stop me from falling. By the time I was remotely near to being able to stand up I had tears in my eyes and she was playfully pouting.

"I was trying to be sweet to you, making me breakfast and you come in here and almost kill me. Fine then I won't be sweet ever again."

"Noooo I want you to be sweet." I gave her the 🥺 face and I knew it was going to melt her.

"Come here." She held her arms open. I went to them and she stroked my hair. "So what are we doing today? I only have two days left."

"I know. I don't want you to leave." I felt like sobbing and she wasn't even gone. For god's sake I was literally in her arms still. "Maybe we can go to the mall?" I said.

"Can you invite your friends?"

Ag's POV:

"I mean I guess. They probably won't even want to come anyway though." Anna said.

"Okay but it would still be cool to invite them I haven't met any of them." I paused to examine her face. "Do you not want people to meet me?"

"No of course I want people to meet you Ag."

"But you're ashamed and you keep making excuses so I don't have to see any of them. Don't lie to to me. Are you ashamed?"

"Umm," she looked down "I'm not ashamed of you. I would never be ashamed of you. I just haven't come out to anyone but you and my mom. My dad doesn't even know..."

"But that's all it is?"

"Yes I just don't know if I'm ready to live that life fully yet."

"I understand that, I really do but what does that mean for us? For me? Am I just going to be secretly with you and nobody knows?"

"Can we just take everything slow and decide what to do later?"

"Fine. Breakfast is ready. I'm going to go shower."

I needed to get away before I said something that I'd regret. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one to push someone to come out. That's something that needed to be done on that persons terms. That's not what bothered me. It's the fact that she is willing to go so far with me but always in private. I was a secret that she couldn't be caught with. I didn't like that feeling. I wanted to show her off and have her show me off. I wanted us to be able to hold hands outside of her room or the car. I just didn't completely understand her reluctance when she was posting all of these things on Tiktok but couldn't just be with me without worrying.

It hurt to feel like the person you love so much not want anyone to know about you. I had to let it go though. As soon as she felt comfortable enough to tell people, then I wouldn't be her secret. All it needed was a little bit of time. Right?

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