Growing Part 24

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**I encourage you to listen to the song for every chapter but please LISTEN THIS ONE ESPECIALLY**

Ag's POV:

          I woke to the sound of the door creaking open and an empty space next to me. Anna was up early again and I just couldn't do it, I'm not a morning person. About 20 minutes later I was jolted awake by the sound of the fire alarm and the smell of smoke. I rushed downstairs to find Anna dumping the contents of a pan into the trash and waving her arms in front of her face.

"Anna what the hell is going on?" I said while laughing and coughing.

"I was just trying to make breakfast for us, but I guess I can't cook."

"Awwww bub leave the cooking to me and I'll leave the being cute to you because you're beyond cute," I said as I slipped my arms around her and kiss her neck.

"Uno reverse." I smiled and looked at her beautiful face, seeing evidence of yesterday's fun. I brought my thumb to the purple mark on her bottom lip, gently caressing it.

"Sorry bout that," I winked.

"I'm not," Anna said.

"Oooohh say less." 

       We spent the day making tiktoks and updating our audience on where we've been. We didn't fully disclose everything but enough to keep them satisfied that we were very much together still. Towards the end of the day it began to rain and I wanted to go driving. We both slipped on hoodies, Anna wearing one of mine, and headed to the backroads we both loved. It wasn't raining enough to make the roads unsafe, but just enough to vibe to our music.

       I placed my hand on her thigh knowing she loved it. I slowly inched it closer and closer. I could practically feel her pulse quickening. Oh how I love the effect I have on her. I found our lake and parked, with the music still playing.

"So, what are we-"

       I didn't even have time before Boon cut my words short with a bruising kiss. In quick succession, I pushed my seat all the way back and she moved over the cup holder to sit on my lap. She pulled my hair as I set my teeth at her neck biting down without hurting her. Well not that much. She hissed my name and then slipped her hand into my pants. Oh my god, she was a different breed.

       There wasn't enough room to shower my girl with the proper attention, so I opened the door and got out managing to hold Anna the whole time. She locked her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck until I opened the door to the backseat. I laid her down closing it behind us.

       The sound of the rain and music continued along with the chorus of Anna's moans. I brought my head down to trail my tongue from her chest down to her navel, teasing her. I knew she was getting irritated but that only meant more pleasure. "Aggggg..." she whined and bucked her hips toward my face.

"Damn you really need me right now, don't you?"


"Say it then," I challenged then licked her inner thigh.

"Oh god... I... needddd you."

       Her chest was rapidly rising and falling. I gave her what she desperately needed. She moaned so loudly it actually surprised me but didn't throw me off my game. After a powerful shudder she released a huge breath she was holding in. I gave it one last lick causing her to jump slightly before moving in front of her perfect face.

"Bub you taste so good." She opened her eyes with a hazy smile.

"I do what I can all for you."

       I kissed her and allowed her to recover for a few minutes. She moved so her head was in my lap so I could give her back scratches. She yawned and I asked, "Are you ready to go home bub?"

"Yeah and then it's your turn."

       I couldn't be more excited. She sat up and I got out waiting for her to come to me. As she stepped out her legs buckled and I had to catch her. She was just as confused as I was as I sat her back down in the backseat.

"Are you okay? What was that?"

"I don't know my legs just gave out," she looked down "They're shaking."

"Holy shit I'm good," I laughed as we realized what was happening.

"I didn't believe that actually happened to people, but I guess you're just talented."

"Do you want to get back up?"

"Yeah let me try." She got up but her legs were still wobbly. I ended up carrying her to the dock and sitting with her back to my chest and my arms around her. We laid back to admire the stars.

"Babe?" She ventured.


"What do you think about living together?"

Anna's POV:

       I couldn't see Ag's reaction but I was hoping it was a good one. "I figured you would be moving out here anyway, so why don't we just get a place together?"

       She squeezed me as she said, "I'm officially emancipated, I think it would be better than heaven if we moved in together."

"Really?!" I said as sat up and turned to face her with an unbridled enthusiasm.

"Of course!"

       She smiled her brilliant white smile. I launched myself at her throwing my arms around her tightly. We laughed and kissed and celebrated. I don't know what the future held other than Ag. She wasn't a maybe she was a definitely and this was just the next step in our chaotic journey.

From the Author:

Hehehehehe I love being in jail😈😈

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