Growing Part 3

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Anna's POV:

"Mom, we've been out for a while, I kinda want to go home. Is that okay?"
"Of course hun, I actually started back home a different way this time so we'll be there in just a minute."

       My mom pulled into our driveway and I suddenly felt anticipated for no reason. Huh weird. I headed inside and told my mom "I think I'm going to lay down for a little bit." I turned my doorknob and pushed the door. What I saw before me was the best thing I could've ever imagined.

       There were streamers, flowers, balloons, and best of all there was Ag sitting on my bed waiting for me. "Miss me?" Ag said. I barely gave her any time to finish what she was saying before I ran into her arms with me ending up on top of her and her back against my mattress.

       With my face nuzzled in her neck I said, "I can't believe you're here."

Ag's POV:

       Her reaction was better than I thought it would be. Her smile and they way she ran to me. Not to mention I could feel every inch of her body against mine and I struggled to keep it together. Her voice had more emotion in it than I expected when I felt them breathed out against my neck. We were in a position where I could so easily kiss her, but I didn't want to ruin anything. Plus I don't even think she likes me like that.

"I missed you so much Anna. You don't even know all the times I wanted to talk to you even though we had just literally ended our FaceTimes."
"I felt the same way," she said as she sat up and looked at me.
       Now this position. This was heavenly but also hellish. Her on my lap looking down at me with... were those tears in her eyes? I lifted my hand up to her cheek and swiped my thumb across an errant tear. She pushed her face into my palm and closed her eyes. We stayed like that for a lingering moment and then she took a deep breath and seemed to break out of her reverie.


       We said each other's names at the same time and nervously giggled. "You go first," I said.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah go ahead."
"Well I think this might be easier if I wasn't on your lap." Then she got up and sat at her desk directly in front of letting me move to a sitting position. I looked at her expectantly and she seemed to be weighing her options in her head.
"I have something that I've been wanting to tell you, well not just you but a lot of people I've just been anxious to tell you."
"Uh huh," I nodded with encouragement.
"I'm pretty sure I'm bi or maybe more than that I'm not completely sure yet but I'm just really confused I don't know how to express it I-"
"Anna. Breathe. It's ok I understand. There's nothing to worry about or be ashamed of." She was speaking a mile a minute and I felt the need to calm her. I reached for her knee and placed a reassuring hand on it. She looked at me with so much emotion it brought tears to my own eyes and I broke the gaze, looking down. "Is there anything else you wanted me to know?" I said.
"Um...," she bit her lip nervously and I about lost it. "Yeah but I don't know if I'm ready tonight."
"Okay that's completely fine we can go as slow as you want. I'm here for you and whenever you decide to tell me I'll be there," I prepared myself, "There is something I wanted to tell you in person though."

Anna's POV:

       Ag was here. My Ag. I was so happy, beyond happy actually and I told her that I was bi. Oh lord I just kinda said it without thinking but she took it so well and understandingly. Now she wanted to tell me something.
"Okay, yeah what is it?" I looked to her face but she was staring down fumbling with her thumbs. She was nervous. What is she about to say?

"I- uh, I...," she looked into my eyes "Anna, I like you and it's more than liking you as a friend. I completely get it if you're not ready especially since you just came out but I just couldn't hold it back anymore. I'm sorry if I put you on the spot and made it uncomfortable but-"

       I had no control of my actions. I grabbed her face and cut off her words with a strong kiss. It was like drinking water after not having it for a hundred years, I couldn't stop and she didn't either. I felt her tongue at my lips and they parted. I sat on her lap once more and entangled my hands through her hair as her hands started at my waist and snaked up my back. It was pure bliss. After what seemed like forever, we reluctantly released our kiss.

       We sat there for a few seconds catching our breath with our foreheads together, eyes closed. I opened my eyes as Ag said "Does that mean you like me back or...?"
       A wide smile spread across my lips "Obviously, dummy." I got serious for a second, "What does it all mean though?"
"I don't know, honestly. This is all new to me I've never liked anyone as nearly as much as I like you."

       We decided to just take it super slow and settled in for the night. Ag ended up falling asleep with me snuggled in the crook of her arm while we watched a movie. I fell asleep soon after with thoughts of Ag and I doing things as a couple.

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