Growing Part 32

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Ag's POV:

       I was so fucking tired and I felt like shit. I needed sleep but I also needed to know why I was with Maddie last night. I plugged my phone into the charger and waited for it to turn on. While I waited, I changed into comfortable clothes. I peaked out of our door to see Anna asleep on the couch. I love her but why was she jumping all over me? I came home just fine. I saw my phone screen light up with the Apple logo.

       Once it finally turned on I saw a hundreds of notifications. The majority of them were from Anna followed by my mom and Mia. Great I forgot Anna got them involved. I texted both of them that I was fine and home and that I'd text call them later. They immediately responded similarly saying they were glad I was safe and I had some explaining to do. Next I saw the notifications from Maddie.

Maddie: i had a lot of fun last night sorry to leave u there i couldn't get caught up for buying u drinks lol

       She had fun last night. I don't even remember what happened. I didn't cheat on Anna did I? Fuck I had to figure this shot out quickly.

I texted her.

Me: hey um can u call me?

Maddie: fs babes

       Why was she calling me that? I called her and she answered on the second ring.

"Hey how do you feel?" She giggled but I didn't reciprocate.

"I'm feel like shit. I need to know exactly what happened last night."

"Oooh your girl found out huh?"

"You know about Anna?"

"Yeah of course you called me last night saying how you moved too fast with your girl and you needed to have some fun because you felt like you settled to quick. I took you out and did what we used to."

"Did we fucking hook up??"

"Woah ok calm down it's not that deep chill. No we didn't, but I'm down. No strings attached of course."

"No! I'm not down for that. I don't cheat unlike some people."

"Oh come on it's been a year and a half since that happened it was a mistake. But I mean you knew I wasn't down for serious."

"Whatever I moved on."

"Did you now? That's not what it sounded like last night."

"Shut up I was drunk. I'm happy."

"Okay, yeah keep saying that. Drunk words are sober thoughts you know."

"I'm not going back to what I was."

"Well now you got the taste of it back and you're gonna be craving it." She laughed.

"You're a fucking bitch! You know that?"

"You might not think it now but just wait you're not gonna be able to resist it and you're gonna come crawling back, you'll see."

"Fuck off!"

       I hung up angrily. The thoughts had already begun to trickle in before she said that but now they were flooding in. I needed alcohol. It's not that bad you know? It's not like it's drugs. Drugs are bad for you, so is alcohol but I mean meth is way worse. I can be fine with alcohol. No, no I can't be thinking that. That's how it wins. I won't do that not anymore. I need sleep. Yeah sleep. I let my heavy eyelids fall as I laid back trying to force away thoughts of the sinfully numbing poison calling my name.

Anna's POV:

       I woke up about an hour later, the tightness still lingering within my chest. I looked in our room to find Ag fast asleep. She was so peaceful when she was asleep, so beautiful. I wish I could just open her mind and read all of her thoughts. This would be easier to understand. I knew what I was about to do may be wrong but I needed to know. Ag had told me a little bit of what happened between her and Maddie but I wanted the full picture. I quietly grabbed my jacket and phone then headed out front. I walked to the bench in front of our apartment building's office and took a seat. I felt the piercing cold from the metal in my bones but it was just a jarring reminder that this was reality. I clicked the call icon on Mia's contact and heard the rings before she answered.

"Hey Ag texted me I'm so glad she's safe. What happened she said she'd talk to me later?"

"Hey, well," I sighed trying to collect my thoughts "She got a ride home from some lady that turned out to be the owner of a bar that she went to last night. She got wasted and doesn't fully remember what happened. She was with her ex Maddie though."

"What? Her and Maddie were together? What the fuck?"

"Yeah and Ag was acting as if it wasn't a big deal and I shouldn't be asking her questions about it."

"No you're in the right, I have no idea what Ag's thinking."

"You were friends with Ag when she was with Maddie right?"

"Yeah I kinda got them to break up actually so I don't think Maddie likes me very much."

"Can you tell me what their relationship was like? Ag hasn't really talked about it other than saying it was toxic."

"Maybe you should ask Ag about it."

"I know and I will, but honestly the way Ag handled our talk when she got home makes me worried that she might leave important things out."

"Ok, um so her and Maddie were together for about 4 months but I was super intense. Maddie is two years older and so Ag got exposed to a lot of the stuff Maddie was into when she was 15. Maddie is a partier, so the Ag became one too. She got really into drinking and kinda became dependent on it. It got so bad to the point where she was cutting people out of her life and then lying and stealing to get her fix. It was the worst I have ever seen her. She got so skinny and she didn't care how people treated her. Maddie was cheating on her left and right but Ag just stayed with her and I think most of it was because she was always drunk so she didn't fully see the bigger picture. It took me a while to see how bad it had gotten and I still feel a guilty for not helping her sooner, but then I confronted her along with her mom and she ended up going to an inpatient to get clean. I exposed Maddie's cheating and Ag finally realized that she deserves better so she broke up with her and as far as I know Ag has been clean ever since. Until last night I guess. She was not a good person when she was drinking and it was all that she thought about, but I know and you know that she has a heart of gold and deserves the world, she just needs help."

"I don't even know how to process that. I had no idea it was that bad. I'm even more worried why she went out last night. What brought this on and why didn't she tell me this when we've already been through so much together?"

"Ag's a complicated person and she probably thought that that made her look weak."

"What do I do?"

"Communicate with her, be patient, help her, and love her. She needs so much love."

"Thank you Mia, for everything. For being there for her when I couldn't be."

"Of course. I love you Boon."

"Love you too."

       I walked back inside and stood in the doorway to our room looking at the sweet, gentle, beautifully broken girl laying twisted in our sheets. What was hurting you, my love? How can I help you face it?

From the Author:

Ouchie🥺 What do you think will happen and how should Anna go about it? Let me know! Thank you for reading!

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