Growing Part 30

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Anna's POV:

       I woke up with cool sheets next to me. Opening my eyes I realized that Ag wasn't in our room. I waited to hear if she was in the bathroom but couldn't make out any of the usual noises. Sitting up, I realized that her phone wasn't plugged in on the nightstand either. I got up to head to the living room finding, that it was empty as well. Where was she? I pressed the call button only to immediately be sent to voicemail. What the hell was going on? This definitely wasn't like Ag at all.

       We had been, of course, keeping in touch with Mia so I knew she would be the next person to call.

"Hello? Anna, you realize it's 6 here right?"

"Oh shit, yeah sorry I forgot. Have you heard from Ag today?" Mia was in Arizona now so she was 3 hours behind. I had a twinge of panic in my voice because this was just so out of character for Ag.

"No I haven't. What's going on?"

"I woke up and she isn't her and then I tried to call her and it just went straight to voicemail. You know her she would never do that." My heart rate was picking up.

"Hey, Anna. It's okay just breathe. She's probably fine, alright? I'll try calling her right now okay?"

"Uh huh."

       I said goodbye and to call right back if she heard from Ag. It hit me that I didn't even check to see if the car was still here. I went to the front door and out to the parking lot. It was gone. The car wasn't in our spot, meaning that she took it out right? What. The. Hell? I heard my phone going off in the kitchen and ran to it. It was Mia.

"Hey I haven't gotten ahold of her, did you?"

"No but I realized the car isn't here."

"Alright, I don't know what we could do. Maybe wait an hour, keep trying to call her, and see if she gets in contact. After that, maybe get in contact with the police? I don't know that seems a little extreme I think she's probably fine."

"Mia, I'm freaking out. I'm really worried. Look at what happened to me with the accident, what if she got into one too? What if something else happened to her??"

"Anna, Anna! It's going to be okay. Please just breathe. Have you called her mom yet?"

"No, I'll do it now."

        I hung up and frantically chose Ag's mom's number. She answered on the 3rd ring. With everyone my hands got shakier and shakier.

"Hello? Anna, how are you?" The sweet sing-songy voice of Ms. McDaniel asked.

"I'm- uh I don't know," the emotion clear in my voice. "Have you heard from Ag today?"

"Oh um, no not today. Is everything alright honey?"

"She wasn't here when I woke up and she won't answer her phone and the cars gone. I already called Mia and she didn't know where she was either. It's just so weird for her to do something like that I'm just worried."

"That doesn't sound like Ag at all. Is there any chance that she went out for a bit and her phone's dead?"

"Maybe I guess. I remember her putting it on the charger last night and it's not anywhere here."

"Okay, um I-" she was trying to keep calm I'm sure for my sake, but I could hear the worry in her voice.

"I'm going to call an Uber and go to the police station. She's still a minor."

"I'm going to keep calling her, please be safe and keep me in the loop."

"Of course."

       Dear God, please be safe, please be safe. I can't loose you.

Ag's POV:

       Shit my head hurts. Where the fuck am I? This floor is cold and unfamiliar.

"Anna?" I croak out.

       No answer as I open my eyes. My vision is hazy and I feel like I'm walking through mud. I don't remember going out but I can feel my car keys in my pocket. I locate the door and move towards it before a voice hits my ears.

From the Author:

Hey guys! This chapter is short but I hope I've peaked your interest. Tell me what you think is happening. Thanks for reading!

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