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You just can't be reasoned with just take a moment to understand me you saying it out in public will only implicate you.

What if something happens to her? Even if it wasn't you it will be hard to prove yourself and as long as you have a strong Deen nafisa you will not beat up a woman like that and have no remorse.

Ba abinda ya bata Mata rai irin sunanta daya Kira gatsau bai hakan yasa tace. I don't care what implications it will cause or whatever it is as long as she listens to my threats and stays away from you then that's fine with me and for your information I do not regret it I will do the same thing of I was asked to do it again if not worse.

Since you are dead set on murdering someone you are banned from going to my office you will not be granted access to the building not until you stop acting like an illiterate and finally open up you brain to understand what am saying and behave as the civilized person you once were.

And understand what I am saying only then will you be allowed in there stop being childish and get ready you will apologise to that lady that is your punishment for raising your voice at me.

Over my dead body I will not apologise to anyone not you and not her because I did nothing wrong you should be thanking me because I just saved you from contacting AIDS.

And know this the moment you set up that line the moment you banned me from going to your office you have also set restrictions on your marriage.

You called me an illiterate because of another woman I will not hide this from you. You've hurt me but since you've chosen your prostitute over your wife I don't see any reason for me to keep staying here with you.

The best thing you should do is ka aureta kaga anci riba biyu ka rabuda wacce baka so sannan kuma zaka aura wacce kuke lalacin a tare a rage zunubin da ake kwasa idan an fita da sunan off...

Shut the hell up nafisa kinada hankali tsabar idona zaki kalla kice mun Neman mata nake that too. I am tired of this we will talk this out when we are both calm.

Dakinta ta shiga shikuma ya zauna kan sofa ya dafe kansa hannunsa daya na akan kirjinsa dake masa ciwo sosai. Jin karar fitowarta daga dakinta yasashi kallanta ganinta janye da trolly da makullin motarta da big daddy ya bata as wedding gift yasashi mikewa yasha gabanta.

Me kike nufi what are you doing. Kallansa tayi tace you said you don't have time for this and I told you as well that you have terminated your marriage. You chose her. Karuwarka ka xaba a kaina what do you expect me to do.

Nafisa Ina iliminki ya tafi Ina imaninki ya tafi Ina yaddarda ke tsakanina dake ta tafi kisani cewa zato zunubi ne Koda kuwa ya zamo gaskiya also ki rasa abinda zaki tuhumeni dashi sai wannan mummunan abun.

Da neman mata zanyi danayi tun Ina New York inda bamai ganina babu kuma Wanda ya sanni da chan banyi ba sai yanzu danake da aure. You are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Dan kawai I want you to understand that what you did was wrong despite the fact that it was you who was wronged why are you being childish for once in your life will you try to act like an adult and stop being childish.

But you caused this if only you had listened to me that night this wouldn't have happened and if you forgot your world let me repeat them did you forget you married a child and an illiterate?

So I am bound to do what I did. I did nothing wrong why are you asking this of me all I ever did was love my husband is it a crime to feel possessive over your husband. Sabida haka ka turamun takardar Sakina guda ukku kyawawa gidanmu they should arrive there before I do since you don't seem to understand me.

We won't go to that extent and you are not leaving this house. After letting out a humorless laugh ta kallesa race we shall see. Why don't you understand that I love you nafisa why are you hell bent on leaving me leaving our life.

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