Rats' sacred marriage pt. 2

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EmilyDrier: Y'all, I swear to God, my heart just skipped a beat-

EmmaWoody: what happened mom??

EmilyDrier: Okay, so you know how I'm in charge of your COVID tests right?
EmilyDrier: Well, I was analysing Murro's and for a split second I thought the test was positive.

Balls_InMyFace: Jesus Christ

CoordinatingThemAll: I mean he is a person of risk...

LuckyGay: When I tell you "don't decode together" it's for this exact reason!
LuckyGay: we can't wear masks during matches, because we need to breathe while we're running away
LuckyGay: so at least try your best to stay as far as possible from each other!

CoordinatingThemAll: Lucky, I don't know if you've noticed but none of us wear masks in the manor

LuckyGay: but y'all are touching the ciphers! It's a completely different story

CursesToCurse: But we're all negative, right Ems?

EmilyDrier: Yes, all of you tested negative.

BottomInDenial: we're on fire guys uwu

EmilyDrier: Your temperature will be on fire too if you test positive

BottomInDenial: what

EmilyDrier: I'm just saying, if you have the symptoms I'll have to test you again.

Cockroach: we'll have to stuff that stick up our noses again?!

EmilyDrier: basically yea

DaVinky: Am I going to do the test?

EmilyDrier: Oh my God, yes! I totally forgot about your existence!!

DaVinky: thank you?

EmilyDrier: Right, so.
EmilyDrier: Edgar, I need you to fill a file I'm gonna give to you. Can you come to my room so we can take care of it?

DaVinky: sure

2 participants are now offline.

MetalAttractor: They're gonna bang

Rat: no.

WheresMyMelanin: no.

MailMan: no❤

MetalAttractor: yes.

Rat: Oh I just remembered something
Rat: Naib and Norton
Rat: Can I add you guys to the hunters' groupchat so y'all can talk to Hastur and the others about the wedding?

BottomInDenial: sure!

MetalAttractor: go ahead uwu



Rat added MetalAttractor and BottomInDenial.

Girl_In_Red: hm hi?

Rat: hi hello so basically Naib and Norton are here to talk to you about *that*

Girl_In_Red: oh right!!
Girl_In_Red: yes sure let's talk about that right away!

Snek: I'm lost

BottomInDenial: hold on hold on
BottomInDenial: Does Jack need to be here?

MetalAttractor: pfft yea I forgot about that detail

UglySlenderman: hm I was here before you?

BottomInDenial: you ✨scare✨ me Jack

UglySlenderman: UwU

Polaroid: what's wrong with you

Girl_In_Red: so let's start shall we?
Girl_In_Red: first, when do you want it to happen?

BottomInDenial: we were thinking as soon as possible since we don't have anything stopping us. I mean this is a manor.

Girl_In_Red: is a month good for you?

MetalAttractor: y e s

UglySlenderman: are we talking about drug trafficking?

BottomInDenial: this is the reason why I don't want you here

That1SpiderInMyRoomAt3AM: Mary could you please situate us?

Girl_In_Red: Oh Norton and Naib are getting married
Girl_In_Red: anyways about the place

UglySlenderman: I BEG YOUR PARDON
UglySlenderman: SAY SIKE RIGHT NOW

MetalAttractor: there's no sike
MetalAttractor: anyways

UglySlenderman: I DON'T APROVE OF THIS

BottomInDenial: we really don't care Jack

UglySlenderman: Well don't waste your time inviting me. I'm not going

BottomInDenial: who said we were gonna invite you?

UglySlenderman: stop hurting my feelings

BottomInDenial: again, I really don't care

MetalAttractor: hey Hastur

TentacleHentai: wh-wha

MetalAttractor: would you like to be our priest?

TentacleHentai: I see where this is coming from
TentacleHentai: of course I will, thank you for the offer.

Girl_In_Red: Alright. Date, place, and priest are settled.
Girl_In_Red: where do you want to have the party?

MetalAttractor: We were thinking about the backyard. It's pretty big so...

Girl_In_Red: okay that's no problem!
Girl_In_Red: But may I ask why the backyard? There's a lot of places you could use.

MetalAttractor: let's say it's our special spot.
MetalAttractor: we met there

BottomInDenial: we started dating there

MetalAttractor: shared our first kiss there

BottomInDenial: tried to kill each other there

MetalAttractor: I actually proposed there!


MetalAttractor: imagine getting married

BottomInDenial: imagine not dying alone

MetalAttractor: bro marry me

BottomInDenial: bro yes of course!

MetalAttractor: I love you bro!

BottomInDenial: I love you too bro!

MetalAttractor: bro!

BottomInDenial: bro!

End of Flashback~~~🐀🐀

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