moving in

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" I don't have a second bed so you will need to sleep on the couch until we get one." He said while moving a pizza box off of the couch. " I will turn my office into a bedroom for you as well. I'll work on that after school tomorrow. Um the bathroom to the right when going down the hall. There is not a lot of food here either so I need to go shopping tomorrow too."

He continues to list off things that need to be done while turning the couch into a little bed. I tune him out and start looking around the place.

It's a nice little place with minimal decorations but somehow it fits. I see a shelf that has a few photos and an old pair of goggles on it. I move over to it to get a better look at the pictures and one immediately catches my eyes. I recognize two of the people in it as Aizawa and Present Mic. The third looks like he is talking to someone outside of the picture.

" Your mother took that. She was in class 1a while we were b students. She had just got done rejecting him for the tenth time. Oboro never gave up until after second year when Nemuri asked him out. You know her as Midnight. "

" Why does he look so happy if he just got rejected?" I ask even though I was also wondering what Lady Midnight was like in high school.

" Oh he was declaring that someday she will fall head over hills in love with him." He looks so sad when talking about this boy. What happened to him?

" What's with that weird smile you have on your face?"

" I knew she would reject him again so it was more of a you idiot moment while also a you'll get her next time one." He gave a small smile at the memory and it quickly went back to a frown. "Enough about my past for tonight. I need some sleep and you should get some too." He tossed a final  pillow onto the couch and motioned for me to lay down on it.

    I guess I have to go to bed then. It's been a while since I have been told to go to bed. Usually I would just get mom to bed then finish up whatever needed to be finished before going to sleep. Now I have no on to look after and instead I'm the one being looked after.

    I must have been standing there, looking at the couch for a while because he started to offer to let me used his bed until I get my own, which I quickly shut down.

     " What's wrong with the couch then?" I think this whole father figure thing has freaked him out more than he is letting show through.

    " It's not the couch that's the issue. Actually there is no issue. It's just been a while since I have been told when to do something like sleeping. I have been the one taking care of someone, not the other way around." He seemed to get the picture because he then told me that if I want I can set my own time to sleep and went to bed.  He basically just gave me the roam of the place.

    It's ten o'clock and I have been doing basic chores while using a quirk I picked up as a flashlight. Yes, instead of sleeping I am doing chores. For some reason I can't sleep unless the area I am sleeping in is tidy.

    I get the living room as a bedroom, well buckle up because there is no door to the kitchen so I can see into it clearly. Boom kitchen is being cleaned. As quietly as possible I cleaned all of the dishes, which was a great feat in itself. I also took out the trash which wasn't as bad as you would think.

    I also cleaned the living room up some too but that wasn't as hard as the kitchen. I mainly had to tidy up the coffee table and do a little dusting. He kept that area neat.

    After all of this I am almost ready to go to sleep. The last thing I need to do is figure out a way I can aquire a phone. My mother had a landline so I never really felt the need to get a phone. During all of this cleaning I never saw a landline. The only phone I saw was Mr. Aizawa's an I definitely can't use that if I am here by myself.

    How can I get myself a phone though. I don't have my own money. Since mom is gone we won't be getting those checks in the mail that helped us get by every month. I don't want to ask him because I don't want to be too much of a bother. Wouldn't making one with Momo's quirk be against the rules or something like that? I heard her say something along those lines when someone asked her to make something that is expensive to buy.

    I guess I could try finding odd jobs to do around town and get some money. They would have to be jobs I can do then and there though because the issue is getting a phone so I can't just make a poster with my phone number.

    Maybe I should just ask him. He wouldn't mind would he? What if it was one of the things that he listed off earlier when I tuned him out? Oh my God what if he said something really important and I wasn't listening? Already I'm being a bad guest in his house.

    Calm down y/n. If he said something important he would have told me when he realized I wasn't listening earlier. We can figure out the phone issue tomorrow when we go to school. I'm sure the hedgehog will help me. Maybe even Midoriya will. Wait if I get the hedgehog on bored I can't get Midoriya's help because they don't get along. I'll ask the hedgehog and if he says no then I'll ask Midoriya. If all else fails I'll ask Momo.

    Now that everything that is bothering me about this place is felt with I can go to sleep. Or at least try.

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