Impromptu Date Night

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In a small country near the center of the eastern continent called Helnida is holding an continent wide conference on a organized crime and a growth in monsters and seeming that a leader was born. The countries in the conference are The federation, crafters united, Kingdom of Ishlamala, Kingdom of Lowetide, The Grand church, and Empire of Sudalue. They all sent a represent to have part in the event and see how they decide to face the growing menaces to the group of them.

The reps of each country varies from Walker, Gigalon, Cracters, Seeker, Magistars, and Huntyar, even the current saint is presiding over the event as a neutral party and handler. They are around  a circler table and the tension of the air can e cut with a butter knife. The reps are talking to each other at a rapid pace that most can't even keep track of let aloe understand. They all are arguing about how the organized crime should be handled and try to figure out who is uncharge of the crime let alone running it. Zeke watches and then uses his interface to check each ones history and connections and see none of them are connected personally to the crime but are more less the targets to them.

There seems to be a plan assassination of several of the reps following the end of the conference to keep several details hidden from their respective countries. Zeke doesn't like the route this is taking and decides to take stop them from happening. He looks through his interface and is thinking about how to solve the problem but then feels a tap on his shoulder and turns to see Lige behind him with a smile. He jumps little and then she points ver to something and he turns to look. 

Then lige touched his head and Zeke then sees a bunch of flowing lines of many different colors all around the room and each was connected to one of the reps. Lige tells him that those are the strings of fate and that she can modify them to the will of the gods if she so pleases. Then she and Zeke follow one of the reps strings to a area in the woods and sees several bandits laying their with matching tattoos on their bodies waiting for the carriage with one of the reps. Then she grabs at all the bandits strings and then her arm band shine into a blade and she cuts them all. Afterwards they all seem normal and unaffected, then all of a sudden a large monster starts to slaughter the bandits with out them ready to protect themselves.

Zeke watches as the bandits are killed and is impressed by the ability of line and then the traveled all over the area to watch more of these tattoos bandits. When they were done Lige grabs Zeke's arm and begin floating over the small country and looking over it and seeing the details of the people. They saw a merchant selling his goods to a commoner and are haggling on the price of the goods. Another scene they saw was a mother and her child walking around a park with each other and talking about making the daughters favorite dinner and waiting for dad to come home and the daughter was excited.

The two gods watch this scene and then Zeke looks at Lige's face as she watches the scene of the mother and child having fun in the park and Zeke gets an idea. He opens his interface and then makes a body for himself and tells his  Lige to make a body as well and she looks at him a bit confused. She does as he asked and then both of them descend into the park as a couple of Huntyar and Zeke grabs her hand and begins to leader he do a market place. Lige follows him and is still confused but is happy that he is holding her hand. When they reach the market place they are at a stall with a young female Cracter making what seems to be a crepe filled with varies fruits and sweet sauces. Zeke summons some money into his hand and Tells Lige to get one of her choice and she begins to look over the stall and chooses a crepe filled with strawberries and banana like fruits but with a bit of a color mash up.

She is handed the crepe and takes a bit making shine eyes and takes more bites Zeke looks at her and hand the girl several gold coins and tells her thank for making her have a great snack. They walk off ignoring the girl trying to stop them and say it was too much but they ignore her and walk off to other areas. They try several other stand and have a good time until when they reach a plaza Zeke is then confronted by a large Walker who is making nasty eyes at Lige and the turn to Zeke with murderous eyes.

The Walker is an C rank adventure from the area and has a bad reputation for starting fights with couples that have beautiful bodies. He starts to talk smack to Zeke pushing him in the chest and calling him a weakling and even trying to tell Lige to come his way over to him and he will show her a real man. As he tries to grab Lige to pull her closer Zeke grabs his wrist and then starts to apply strength and the adventurer feels pain in his arm and then a crack can be heard. He tries to escape the gap but he can then he glares into Zeke's eyes. 

When he looks into Zeke eyes he suddenly feels a cold chill and feels as if everything around d him has turned black and her hears nothing. The longer he looks at Zeke his heart starts to beat faster and faster and Zeke becomes bigger and bigger  then he snaps back to reality and falls down . Zeke releases his arm and he runs off as quickly as possible trying to get away form the two. Lige then grabs Zeke's arm again this time with a big smile on her face after watching Zeke scare that punk for talking smack about him and her. 

Zeke blushes at his actions and the two look over many more stalls and buy many things but as they go by A particular shop catches Zeke Attention and tells Lige to find a restaurant for them to have dinner at to send him a message in the interface and he will come later. She looks at him and sighs and goes off to find a place for them to eat and Zeke goes off into a shop. The shop he entered is a Blacksmithty and looks around at the gear they have he looks over until he gets a bit of a scare from a rugged voice from behind.

Zeke turns around to see a old male Piber holding a hammer and dressed like a smith and looking Zeke up and down and asking what's his business gawking at his wears. Zeke says that he is here to buy a ring for his girlfriend, and the old bear makes a angry face saying he anti no jeweler but Zeke then pulls out a chunk of metal and hands it to the old bear. He examines the metal and his eyes go wide as he looks more over the metal several times over. He then looks to Zeke and asks where did he get such a beautiful thing and how. Zeke doesn't give details at all but says if he will make him a pair of rings he will give the old bear. some more of the metal. The old bear says he will make them and then gives  Zeke a time until they were ready at 8. 

Zeke gets a message from Lige and then goes to the restaurant directed in the message and then enters and has a nice meal with her. She tries to get info out of Zeke but he doesn't faultier a bit and manages to steer the convo in another direction. After their meal they have some time left until the rings are done and Zeke and Lige manages to find another small court where it seems a small festival is happening and in the center of the court is a statue of Tiamo holding a trumpet. While a bunch of bards are play a song together and sing a song while some dance in front of them. 

Lige then pulls Zeke's hand and starts to dance with him among the others and seem to be having fun with him. The two dance the night away until it was about 8 and Zeke pulls Lige aside from the the court and they return to the shop Zeke was at and Asks her to wait out side for a moment. He Meets the old bear and is handed two shinny green rings that had a simple design but had auto adjust on them. He hands the old bear a big chunk of the metal and than thanks him and returns to Lige as he leads her back the there plaza. The plaza was now empty and no one is around Zeke pulls Lige infant of the statues and turns to her. She looks at him and he begins to speak,

Zeke ( i....know you are just created and not even spent an entire day on the world but I want to get to know you. I want to learn about you more before we officially marry, I know I made your body in my likes but I want to get to know you before anything else. So if you would.)

He then pulls out the two green rings and Her eyes look at him and she smiles sweetly and him and hands him her hand and he nervously puts the ring on her ring finger and looks at the ring with a bright smile. She then takes his ring and does the same to his hand ad makes him blush wildly, but then she takes a kiss from him making his face even more red as she hugs him. 

Lige ( I will love to spend time with you and learn even more about you, and can't wait to see the future we will make of this world even if I'm once of the newer part of it.)

They return to the god realm and in the throne room Zeke makes a second throne equal in size to his own but a little bit smaller and to his left side. He takes his seat on his throne while Lige sits in hers next to him. He once again opens his interface and plays the world fast forward once again until he gets a new notification about any thing new.

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