Work studies✨

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RANT FOR SUM PEOPLE* ok y'all sum people have been reading my story and are upset that they are smoking. Someone said "why are they smoking if they are only 16?" Ok and?😐 they are fighting villains and getting trauma, risking their life and are super humans. I don't think a little smoke and stress relief isnt gonna hurt y/n or anyone else. Think about it how it would actually be. Cmon now, and if ur complaining about the smoking then stop reading if it bothers you. Sorry if that upsets you but seriously. ANYWAYS SORRY BABES .

*Time skip to Monday.*

It was finally monday. I had turned in my paperwork to Aizawa that he sent to hawks.

I had to wake up early and get ready to board a train that takes me to Kyushu.

I was so tired since I had to wake up at 4. I said my goodbyes to Katuski last night so I didn't wake him so early. After I packed all my stuff and got ready, Aizawa dropped me and tokoyami off at the station and I was on my way.

By the time I got off the train it was 6:12, katsuki texted me as soon as he woke up.

Katsuki🖤: be safe idiot. Tell me if something happens. I'll call you after school before I go train dumbass. Love you.

Me: okk I'll be fine, don't know if I'll answer ,but I'll try, and me too.

Katsuki🖤: say it back.

Me: love you too fuckhead.

Katsuki 🖤: stop calling me that dumbass.

Me: no. It's your new nickname whether you like it or not.

Katuski🖤: whatever.

Me: whatever fuckhead. Byeeee talk later

Ugh I already miss this idiot.

As soon as got off the train I see a tall man in a black suit, holding a sign that has me and tokoyami name on it.

We followed him outside to a black car that brought us to a agency building. Wow this is really happening.

The building was tall and shiny. We got brought up to the top floor and on the door to the room we were in front of said "hawks" written in erasable marker on a white board.

The man wearing a black suit knocked on the door and we heard a quiet " come in!".

The man opened the door for us and there sat the number 2 hero Hawks.

"Heyyo! Come on in!" The bird man invited us while he stepped up from his chair. The man in a black suit walked away.

"Hello, it's an honor to be here for my work study." Tokoyami bowed. He looked at me and did a gesture for me to bow also.

"Ah yes an honor." I said Bowing late.

"Wow no need to be so formal here! Let loose, your gonna under me for a month- month and a half so you might as well act like we're friends." He smiled out.

"Now that your here I'm gonna take you back to my place and show ya around." He smiled putting on his jacket.

"Wait your house?! Like where you live? I thought we were staying at the agency?" I asked concerned.

"Well we can come back to the agency tomorrow, my house is where you sleep, eat,etc when you have to stay the night in Kyushu. Is that ok?" He asked us.

"Yes more than ok. Thank you Hawks." Tokoyami bowed.

"Hey, remember you don't need to be so formal around me." He reminded Tokoyami. Tokoyami just nodded and then we followed hawks to a black car. After the car ride we were standing in front of a huge house. Honestly a mansion. It's like the size of the whole dorm building.

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