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Chapter 160 A Fierce Fighting

It seemed that the fighters in the ring just now had finished fighting or they had been called down by Weilun, but the ring was empty, and there were a few people up there wiping the floor with towels, while the audience below was talking intently.

When they saw me come out of the passageway, people around me looked over and cheered excitedly when they saw my bare shoulders and bandages on my hands.

Many people pointed at me, asking the people next to them who I was, whether I was strong or not, and so on.

They took me for a boxer.

They would place their bets when my opponent came out as well, after they analyzed who was stronger or weaker.

I walked along the path that the crowd parted and walked straight down to the boxing ring.

Only then did I find that Zhe Xu and Xin Wen and the others were under the stage, closest to the boxing ring.

"Tom, take it or leave it."

Just as I was about to enter the ring, Xin suddenly pulled my hand and said with a nervous and uneasy face.

I laughed, "Don't worry, it's fine."

"But ......"

"I just hated his face so much on the second floor that I wanted to punch his face, and besides, boxing is actually a lot of fun."

Xin bit her lips and eventually let go of my arm.

"You just stay here, don't go anywhere, Bansha and his men will protect you."

I said and jumped into the ring by pulling the bib.

The crowd seemed to be getting more and more excited, cheering and whistling all over the place.I was actually a little nervous because this was the first time I had ever been in a boxing ring, and the first time I had ever faced so many audience. I had only fought Mingqing Du's men in the cramped cell.

Base jumped up as well and continued to repeat what he had learned about Mr. Song in my ear.

According to Base, although he had never seen Mr. Song in action before, he heard that he was very strong, quick, and hard hitting, and that his thin, gentle appearance was the greatest confusion to his enemies, and usually getting them to ignore him and then taking them out by surprise.

Mr. Song fought traditional Thai boxing, which was known for its legwork, and Mr. Song's agility allowed him to be quicker on his feet and more agile with knee strikes and elbow strikes, which Base especially focused on reminding me of.

Compared to him, I was at a disadvantage because I had no systematic training and was a pure street fighter.

However, during my three years in prison, I fought with Mingqiang's men now and then in the first two years, and practiced with them often when I had nothing else to do, so I could say that my real combat experience was no less than his, and I was more ruthless than him.

When Mingqiang was imprisoned, the three men who followed him also went in with him, and those who could always follow him were not bad, and one of them was very fierce in Thai boxing, and I have learned a lot from them.

Also, I did push-ups and sit-ups almost every day while I was in prison, and I was definitely a lot fitter and stronger than Mr. Song.

Smashing his face should be no problem.

Not long after I got on stage, Mr. Song also came out of the other dressing room entrance.

He had changed into boxing shorts, with bungee wrapped around his hands, an arm band on each arm, and a headband on his head.

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