chapter five

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The meetups between Albus and Nova had been going on for months

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The meetups between Albus and Nova had been going on for months. It was easygoing and the pair had been using the time to really teach each other a lot of things

However, the constant arrogant remarks that the Malfoy would tend to add in, had been the letdown of it all. While Albus tried his hardest to tolerate the comments, it was starting to get harder for him the more it happened.

Nova was just not seeing the side of her that caused the distress—because Albus never said anything, but on both parts—it was equally their faults.

Though, for Nova—the mechanism of her arrogance was her way of coping. She was, after all, the one who hardly cried and broke down when the matriarch of the Malfoy family passed away.

The reason for Nova at least, was because she was the eldest and she felt that it was her responsibility to be the strong one.

She felt like she needed to make sure, that she was not weak and that she kept her mother's promise, to be strong.

Though, she might have taken the words a little too literal that she failed to realize that her mother meant for her to be strong and not let anyone knock her down.

To be strong and not let the harsh words thrown her way get to her—to be strong, for herself.

Not to be strong, for her father and brother. Not to be strong and hide away her emotions.

It was easily mistaken but also easily overlooked and Nova Malfoy had no idea.

Albus was not having the best day—considering he was yet again, being led to actions of him not being able to say no. The stress of helping a classmate when he was already overwhelmed with his own work had caused him to be irritable and overly annoyed at the slightest of things.

So, without warning or prior knowledge to this, Nova was unaware of the state he was in leaving the Malfoy to have chosen the wrong day, to speak about the one person that triggered a switch within Albus.

Nova had sat next to Albus in one of the many places the pair often met. For the first couple of minutes, he allowed her to speak about whatever she wanted, only responding with the nod or shake of his head.

While he was fighting the headache—The next words that left Nova's lips had caused him to snap, "So, Tobias approached me today and he was actually—"

Responding first with the book he was reading slammed shut making her flinch at the sudden action. Next, was Albus standing up and Nova who was leaning on him nearly fell to the side.

The actions spoke louder than words and before the female could question the sudden gesture—Albus had turned to her with a scowl on his face, one that she had definitely never seen ever.

"You talk about that bloke so much that I quite frankly think you fancy him. So, do me a favour and just stop bragging about him. I'm not here to listen to your problems and I am sick of hearing you constantly be so self-centred"

Nova looked at him with her eyes that had widened at the volume of his voice—she sneered at people who passed by who stopped to observe.

The Malfoy stood up and reached over to Albus, only for her hand to be pushed away,"Al—

"I'm done with this" Albus dismissed her shaking his head," I can't do this" He waved his hand towards himself and to her," Whatever this is, I am officially calling it quits" Nova just stayed in place as she watched him walk away.

She didn't have a single strength within her to call out to him and just stood in place as his figure slowly blended within the crowd. Nova didn't even have the strength to tell the people who were staring at her to mind their own business.

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