chapter seven

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Aviana grinned as she watched the Hufflepuff of her interest

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Aviana grinned as she watched the Hufflepuff of her interest. While it only had been a little over a week, she had been intrigued by how serious and stoic Teddy was. On the outside, no one had any idea of how much the male was fighting the storm within.

He wanted answers about Aviana and yet he was getting nothing. He was not approaching the people that would have the answer anyways and it was only wearing his patience thin. So, she knew she'd have to change a few of the rules of no interference.

During the quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor—Aviana took the opportunity of everyone's attention at the game to have the moment to approach Teddy without others getting under her skin.

Unlike the others, Teddy was someone she couldn't just meet in the corridors without people turning their heads. He was pretty much one of the most popular students in the entire school. So, approaching the Hufflepuff in public was not on her agenda.

Distinct to the rest of her birds, Teddy stood out the most and the last she wanted was for him to be judged for breathing the same air as her—or whatever insult that came with associating with her.

She wanted him to still remain untouched from the harsh words that had easily brewed in the lips of those who found it as a way to direct their flaws to someone else. It was how they kept themselves from showing their own weakness—it was their own safeguard.

Teddy had watched the game with the minimal interest—which was unlike him greatly. It went noticed by his two best mates who shared looks at each other in concern. They both knew Teddy always enjoyed the games, especially since he was in the sport himself. So, it was entirely unlike him to not show the same energy as they did.

When Teddy found himself looking over to the Slytherin's section—seemingly drawn to it for a specific female that caused the unsettling emotions to grow in him. He was fortunate to have self-control and still keep his attention focused on his studies, but his leisure time was fully occupied with the troublesome female.

As his eyes travelled along the sea of green, he found himself nearly flinch seeing the burning stare of Aviana. However, before he could comprehend the situation, he narrowed his eyes and swore he saw her smirk before vanishing in the crowd.

Unknowing to the Hufflepuff, he had done the same among the yellow and found himself exiting the stands. His legs growing heavy as he picked up his pace unsure of where he was even going. It was his body that seemed to have control in his actions over his mind.

When he found himself out of breath and leaning on a support beam. He was shocked to see Aviana walking over to him in a distance. However, when he stood straight up, he saw her stop in place and sway on the heel of her toes.

Aviana tilted her head and folded her arms behind her back," Are you ready to feel free, Lupin?" She said cheekily baring her teeth slyly.

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